Map of Enchantment

Community Scavenger Hunts
Next Scavenger Hunt: September 16 | 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
UNM Scavenger Hunt
Join us at the UNM Outdoor Adventure Center Community Yard Sale and Adventure Fair for fun and prizes!
Take a selfie with 6 of the pieces of UNM Public Art featured on the Map of Enchantment to be eligible for a prize! Maps will be available at the event.
Future Scavenger Hunt Dates Will Be Posted Here & On Our Social Media Channels
Get your own copy of the Map of Enchantment then join us for a scavenger hunt! Using the free, hand-drawn map as a guide, scour historic Albuquerque neighborhoods for incredible public art installations. Use your own artistic judgement to color in the map's local and beloved buildings, landmarks, and nature.
fcsabq Instagram | oneabq Instagram
Get Your Map
Explore locations directly on the Map of Enchantment!
Pick up your free, printed wall map at the following locations during regular business hours.
- Community Centers
- Multigenerational Centers
- Albuquerque Public Libraries
- The Albuquerque Museum
- The International Balloon Museum
- Open Space Visitor Center
- Jerry Cline Recreation & Tennis Center
- Indoor Pools
About the Map
The ONE ABQ MOVE “Map of Enchantment” was created through a grant from the National Conference of Mayors received in 2020. The map is designed to meet the grant goal of fighting childhood obesity in a fun and creative way by encouraging kids, teens, and families to explore Route 66 in search of public art.
City of Albuquerque teen interns were the catalysts for the idea of these scavenger hunts. The interns were engaged in the facilitation and execution of the City’s Youth Connect program Teen Nights in the summer of 2019 and culminated their internship with a presentation on how to engage youth in Albuquerque. Due to the pandemic, plans for the map and scavenger hunts were slightly derailed, but Youth Connect is excited to launch this program in September 2022!

Map Locations Downtown
- 1st Street and Tijeras Avenue NW | On the Mountaintop by Noe Barnett
- 3rd Street and Tijeras Avenue NW | Sidewalk Society by Glenna Goodarcre
- Civic Plaza, Southeast Side | We Create by Jodie Herrera
- 8th Street and Lomas Boulevard NW | Kolowisi by Andrew Snows
- 6th Street and Copper Avenue NW | Pop Up Murals by Various Artists
- 5th Street and Central Avenue SW, in front of KiMo Theatre | Her Strength by Jodie Herrera
- 1st Street and Silver Avenue SW | A Stop on the Rio Grande by John Davis
Map Locations UNM
- Lomas Boulevard and Las Lomas Road NE | Dreams & Nightmares by Dennis Oppenheim
- The UNM Science & Mathematics Learning Center | Breaking Point & Dialog by Frank Morbillo
- UNM Yale Park |
- Cornell Drive and Silver Avenue SE |
- Stanford and Redondo Drives NE |
- Popejoy Hall at UNM |
Map Locations Nob Hill
- Monte Vista Boulevard and Dartmoth Drive |
- Campus and Monte Vista Boulevards |
- Central Avenue and Amherst Drive NE |
- Central Avenueand Carlisle Boulevard NE |
- Morningside Park |
- Central Avenue and Washington Street |
Map of Downtown Locations
About the Map Artists
Dante Tsuzuki - Map & Covers
Dante is a New Mexican born, Asian American designer, with a passion for textiles and marketing. Dante received a BFA concentrated in graphic and fashion design from the University of Michigan. Growing up in New Mexico, Dante has been exposed to the value of different cultural approaches and brings those same values into his multimedia design. Being Japanese-American, Dante’s art is informed in part by his awareness of race dynamics in this country, and by social and political injustices.
Ann Gleason - Critters of New Mexico
Ann was born in Frankfurt Germany but is a true Albuquerque denizen at heart, having spent all of high school, college, and her entire professional career in the city. After attending college at CNM and double majoring in graphic design and web technology, she began her career in graphic design but quickly expanded her professional eye to marketing, social media, and CMS support. She has had the wonderful opportunity to lend her illustration skills to projects during her creative career, including the Critters of New Mexico design.
Featuring just a small sampling of the important wildlife that calls New Mexico home, Critters of New Mexico seeks to both educate and delight. What's your favorite Critter of New Mexico?
About Albuquerque Public Art
With nearly 1000 works around Albuquerque, there is so much to see! Learn more about City of Albuquerque public art.
Previous Community Scavenger Hunts
April 1, 2023 | Downtown
We were found at seven map locations downtown.
Sept. 10, Sept. 17 and Sept. 24 | Downtown, UNM Area and Nob Hill area
We hosted three community scavenger hunts to celebrate the launch of the Map of Enchantment.