Campaign Forms
Campaign Forms and Login
Campaign forms can be uploaded onto the Campaign Finance Reporting System. On the Filer's Dashboard, select "Correspondence/Document Images."
Training Videos and Support Documents
Training videos are provided by the Office of the City Clerk. However, one-on-one training is required 10 days after registering on the Campaign Finance Reporting System.
Campaign Forms Submission Notice
All Campaign Forms must be submitted online through the Campaign Finance Reporting System. Each document is a fillable form and can be completed using Chrome, Edge, Adobe, or Preview.
We accept both typed and drawn signatures. If you prefer, you may print the form and fill it out by hand, but you must still upload the completed form to the Campaign Finance Reporting System.
Before submitting, please ensure all sections are completed.
Candidate Forms & Requirements
Section 1: Required Forms for All Candidates
(These forms must be completed by all candidates, regardless of office or financing.)
- Acknowledgment of Campaign Finance Reporting System Training
- Acknowledgment of Charter, Code, Training on Petition and Qualifying Contributions, Campaign Finance Reporting System, and Rules
- Bank Account Confirmation Form
- Candidate Contact Sheet
- Candidate Financial Disclosure
- Designation of Representative
- Declaration of Candidacy - Provided by the Secretary of State
Section 2: Mayor Candidate Forms
(These forms apply specifically to mayoral candidates)
- Declaration to Seek Elected Office
- Waiver of Liability and Acknowledgement of Personal Responsibility for Original Petitions
Public Financing
Section 3: City Council Candidate Forms
(These forms apply specifically to city council candidates)
- Declaration to Seek Elected Office
- Waiver of Liability and Acknowledgement of Personal Responsibility for Original Petitions
Public Financing
Additional Forms as Needed
- Affidavit in Support of Lost or Destroyed Books
- Close Campaign Privately Financed Candidate
- Close Campaign Publicly Financed Candidate
- Rehabilitation Request Form
- Weekly Petition Submission
- Withdrawal as a Privately Financed Candidate
- Withdrawal as a Publicly Financed Candidate
- Withdrawal as an Applicant Candidate
Measure Finance Committee Forms
(These forms apply specifically to measure finance committees)
- Bank Account Confirmation Form
- Committee Contact Sheet
- Close Committee
- MFC acknowledgment of Charter, Code, and Campaign Finance Reporting System, and Rules
The City Clerk's Office will provide online training on the campaign finance reporting site for candidates. Treasurers are required to attend the training, and any other participants from the campaign are welcome to attend. Training must be completed on how to use the reporting site within 10 days of registration. If a candidate opts to forgo the available training, they will be required to sign a form acknowledging this decision. To schedule a training, contact [email protected].