2022 UETF Artist Resiliency Residency
Department of Arts and Culture
City of Albuquerque Urban Enhancement Trust Fund
UETF Artist Resiliency Residency Awardees
January 2022 - June 2023
The groundbreaking Resiliency Residency of the Urban Enhancement Trust Fund Program has concluded the first two phases of the program: the selection of the partner arts organizations, who will serve as the fiscal sponsors (and more) for the artists, and the artists selection process. The completion of these two phases sets the stage for funding to begin flowing to artists in early to mid-February 2022 and for an incredible amount of creative work to begin happening in partnership around the city in many artistic disciplines.
The call for the arts organizations was developed by the UETF Board and staff. The selection of the partner arts organizations was done by a sub-committee of participating UETF Board members and approved by the full board. The selection of the artists was done by an expanded sub-committee comprised of representatives of the selected art org partners and a few of the participating UETF Board members. Staff managed both calls and tracking the scores.
This newly implemented program has already strengthened partnerships with five local arts organizations and will spill over to the first group of individual artists, the majority of which are freelance, independent sole-proprietors. The enthusiasm of the five partner arts organizations has grown and evolved significantly over the past 3-4 months during the call for artists and review of application phases.
Due to UETF legal requirements, funds must flow through a local Albuquerque nonprofit arts or cultural organization. The five organizations are listed below, along with the list of artists they collaborated with during the program. Each of the artists were awarded a UETF Resiliency Residency award of $2,500.
2022 - 2023 UETF Resiliency Residency Artists and Partner Organizations
Hear from all five of the inaugural Resiliency Residency Fiscal Sponsors as they describe their role, the program itself, and how they have connected with artists and the other organizations taking part to create a truly inclusive, innovative, and invigorating program for artists.

Dellsly Group / AfroMundo - afromundo.org/
- Arnaldo Acosta
- Pico del Hierro-Villa
- Mai Doan
- Shane Fox
- Fidel Gonzalez
- Eduardo Gonzalez del Real
- Alonso Indacochea
- Karen Jones Meadows
- Nate Lemuel
- Antonio Leon
- St. Levi
- Jon Paz
- Elliot Pending
- Pedro Raposo
- Raquel Z. Rivera
- Eleuterio Santiago-Diaz
- Sandi Shelby
- Maria Terrero

FUSION - www.fusionnm.org
- Grey Blanco
- Elyse Fahey
- Rhiannon Frazier
- M. Elizabeth Garland
- Tatiana Gil
- Stephanie Hainsfurther
- Julianna Kirwin
- Sarah Loeppke
- Nikki Louis
- Keely Mackey-Gonzales
- Kristine Maltrud
- Felicia Masias
- Jesus Munoz
- Jaimie "Jai" Myer
- Alex paramo
- Adrian Pijoan
- Keith Sanchez
- Daniel Solares
Keshet Dance Company - keshetarts.org
- Meghan Armstrong
- Ellen Babcock
- Pat Berrett
- Raven Bright
- Jen DePaolo
- Andrew Fearnside
- Lindsey Fromm
- Rodolfo Gonalez
- Sarah Groth
- Alexander Knight
- Meg Leonard
- Miranda Marselle
- Julianna Massa
- Naomi Elizabeth Montoya
- Margarita Paz-Pedro
- Endion Schichtel
- Brian Stinson
- Shereen Zangeneh
National Institute of Flamenco - www.nifnm.org
- Gabriel Carrion-Gonzalez
- Camelia Caton-Garcia
- Julianna Coles
- Nevearez Encinias
- Sophia Fricke
- Vicente Griego
- Karen Hernandez
- Roxana Jian
- Andrea Lozano
- Jessica Lozoya
- Christopher Martinez
- Carlos Menchaca
- Gerome Olona
- Lidon Patino Berjas
- Lauren Poole
- Jamie Rose
- Fabian Sisneros
- Ysabela Trujillo
Puha Hubiya - puhahubiya.com
- Joeseph Arnoux
- Jason Asenap
- Paulette Atencio
- Helen Atkins
- Matthew Bollinger
- Carlos Contrereas
- Chris Easley
- Courtney Gale
- Brionna Garcia
- Kim Gleason
- Maggie Grimason
- Gabriela Guajardo
- Tiffanie Irizarry
- Angel Lopez
- Morgan O'Donnell
- Joseph Stacey
- Christopher Walsh
- Max Woltman