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Park & Ride

Skip the hassles of Albuquerque traffic and commute using Park & Ride.

Park & Ride Locations

Park & Ride Precautions

  • Park at your own risk.
  • Leave no valuables in your vehicle.

ABQ Ride security officers conduct random checks of parking lots.

NM Park & Ride

View N.M. Park and Ride information.

Park & Ride with ABQ RIDE

Leave your vehicle at any Park & Ride lot for easy access to ABQ RIDE buses.

Parking at Park & Ride lots is free for ABQ Ride passengers during transit service hours


Transit Center Locations

ABQ RIDE security officers patrol Park & Ride lots owned by the City of Albuquerque.

They include:

Park and Ride Locations

Locations Bus Routes Served
Raymond G. Sanchez Community Center
9800 4th NW (4th & Alameda)
Route 10
Church of the Risen Savior
7701 Wyoming NE

Route 31

Holy Cross Lutheran Church
6901 Wyoming NE

Route 31

Juan Tabo Public Library
3407 Juan Tabo NE
Route 1
Montgomery & Tramway
12600 Montgomery NE
Route 5 | Route 8
Taylor Ranch Baptist Church
6400 Golf Course NW

Route 157

CNM South Campus
5816 Isleta SW
Route 53
South Valley Pool
3912 Isleta SW
Route 53
Uptown Transit Center
2121 Indiana NE

Route 8 | Route 157 | Route 766

Central & Unser Transit Center
7909 Central NW
Route 54 | Route 66 | Route 198 | Route 766
Northwest Transit Center
Ellison and Coors Bypass

Route 251 | Route 155 | Route 157

Note: Route 251 is being operated by Rio Metro.

Montaño Transit Center
Montaño between Edith and 2nd NW

Route 157
NOTE: Currently, Westbound Route 157 stops on the north side of Montaño at 2nd Street, and does not go into the Montaño Transit Center. We will update this information as it changes.

Singing Arrow Community Center

13200 Wenonah Ave SE

Route 1 | Route 66 | Route 777