Boards & Commissions
If you are interested in serving on a City of Albuquerque Board or Commission, apply via the online application. The application works for all boards and commissions and will remain active for one calendar year from the date submitted.
You may apply to serve on any board at any time, even if there are no current vacancies.
View the Public Boards, Commissions, and Committees Membership Ordinance.
Listing: City Boards & Commissions
- ABQ Volunteers Advisory Board
- Accountability in Government Oversight Committee
- Affordable Housing Committee
- Airport Advisory Board
- Albuquerque Cable, Internet and PEG Advisory Board
- Albuquerque Development Commission
- Albuquerque Energy Council (Albuquerque Conservation Council)
- Albuquerque Housing Authority
- Albuquerque Museum Board of Trustees
- Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Census 2020 Complete Count Committee
- Albuquerque-Bernalillo County Air Quality Control Board
- Americans With Disabilities Act Advisory Council (Joint Advisory Commission on Persons with Disabilities)
- Arts Board
- Balloon Fiesta Park Commission
- Balloon Museum Board Of Trustees (Anderson/Abruzzo International Museum Board of Trustees)
- Biological Park Board
- Board of Ethics
- Building Safety Appeals Committee
- Citizens' Independent Salary Commission
- Commission on American Indian and Alaska Native Affairs
- Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Commission
- Early Head Start Program Governance Advisory Committee
- EMS Medical Control Board
- EMS Providers Advisory Committee
- Environmental Planning Commission
- Fire Code Board of Appeals
- Greater Albuquerque Active Transportation Committee
- Greater Albuquerque Recreational Trails Committee
- Housing & Neighborhood Economic Development Committee
- Human Rights Board
- Impact Fee Committee
- Indicators Progress Commission
- Information Services Committee
- Intragovernmental Conference Committee
- Labor-Management Relations Board
- Landmarks Commission
- Library Advisory Board
- Lodgers' Tax Advisory Board
- Mayor's Youth Advisory Council
- Metropolitan Parks & Recreation Advisory Board
- Middle Rio Grande Housing Collaborative
- Municipal Golf Advisory Board
- Old Town Portal Market Advisory Board
- Older American’s Act Advisory Council
- Open Space Advisory Board
- Paratransit Advisory Board (PTAB)
- Personnel Board
- Police Oversight Advisory Board
- Public Safety Tax Advisory Board
- Route 66 Visitor Center Commission
- Senior Affairs Advisory Council
- Small Business Regulatory Advisory Commission
- Technical Standards Committee
- Transit Advisory Board
- Urban Enhancement Trust Fund Citizens Committee
- Veterans and Military Affairs Advisory Board
- Water Protection Advisory Board
- Zoning Hearing Examiner
What it Means to Serve
Apply to Serve
If you’re interested in serving on a City of Albuquerque Board or Commission, the application link is valid for all boards and commissions. You may apply at any time, even if there are no current vacancies.
Training Resources
Explore training materials and job aids specifically designed for current board and commission members.
Board and Commission Member and Staff Resources
Access resources and tools tailored to support current board and commission members, as well as City staff.
ABQ Volunteers Advisory Board
The ABQ Volunteers Advisory Board will advise and support ABQ Volunteers activities, as defined by its mission statement. The Board will provide non-binding recommendations to ABQ Volunteers regarding its ongoing and potential activities.
- Office of the Chief Administrative Officer
- Mariah Harrison
- 505-313-9964
Accountability in Government Oversight Committee
One of the primary functions of the AGO Committee is to approve all audit and investigation reports. The AGO Committee also conducts the applicant search and makes a recommendation to the City Council on the selection of the OIA Director.
Learn more about the Accountability in Government Oversight Committee.
- Office of Internal Audit
- Leslie Rendon
- 505-768-3154
Affordable Housing Committee
The primary responsibility of the Affordable Housing Committee shall be to advise the City on policies and activities related to affordable housing.
- Family & Community Services
- Rick Giron
- 505-768-2968
Airport Advisory Board
The purpose of the Board is to make recommendations to the Director of Aviation, the Mayor, the City Council and other governmental offices of the city intended to foster useful air service centers for the state and people of New Mexico. The board also advises the Director of Aviation in adopting rules and regulations for the management, operation and control of the Albuquerque International Sunport and Double Eagle II Airport.
- Aviation Department
- Yvette Garcia
- 505-948-9166
Albuquerque Cable, Internet and PEG Advisory Board
The City of Albuquerque maintains a Albuquerque Cable, Internet and PEG Advisory Board to provide a mechanism for community participation in cable franchise-related matters and for the development of recommendations to the Mayor and City Council on cable-related issues, such as technology updates and the cable operator's level and quality of service.
Learn more about the Albuquerque Cable, Internet, and PEG Advisory Board.
- Cultural Services
- Joseph Lynch
- 505-717-1667
Albuquerque-Bernalillo County Air Quality Control Board (AQCB)
The AQCB performs specific functions to implement the federal Clean Air Act and the New Mexico Air Quality Control Act, including adopting regulations and air quality standards, and hearing air permitting appeals.
Learn more about the Albuquerque-Bernalillo County Air Quality Control Board.
- Environmental Health Department
- Anita SdeArmijo
- 505-768-1915
Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Census 2020 Complete Count Committee
To promote a 2020 census awareness campaign with the goal of ensuring that every resident in Bernalillo County and Albuquerque is counted, providing instructions for an action plan, and making an appropriation.
Learn more about the Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Census 2020 Complete Count Committee.
- Legal Department
There are no vacancies on this board.
Albuquerque Development Commission
In conjunction with the Metropolitan Redevelopment Agency, the Albuquerque Development Commission has the authority to approve the sale of land within a designated Metropolitan Redevelopment Area that is covered by a redevelopment plan.
The Albuquerque Development Commission also serves as an advisory body to the City Council for approval of project plans and inducement resolutions for private purpose bonds. They also review economic development strategies submitted by the Office of Economic Development that affect the public benefit.
- Metropolitan Redevelopment
- Sarah Supple
- 505-810-7501
Albuquerque Energy Council (Albuquerque Conservation Council)
Champions of Albuquerque's quality of life, promoting cost effective, innovative resource management, energy education and community involvement.
- Municipal Development Department
- Saif Ismael
- 505-768-5391
Albuquerque Housing Authority
Creating panel, establishing a board of housing commissioners to govern the Albuquerque Housing Authority, adopting policy of delegating certain powers to board to conform to state statutory requirements, changing the name of Albuquerque Housing Services (AHS) Division to Albuquerque Housing Authority (AHA), repeal of R-1975-193.
- Housing Authority
- Brian Eagan
- 505-764-3951
Albuquerque Museum Board of Trustees
The Albuquerque Museum Board of Trustees is an advisory board whose primary mission is to provide advice to, and advocacy for, the Museum.
- Department of Arts & Culture
- Andrew Connors
- 505-243-7255
Americans With Disabilities Act Advisory Council (Joint Advisory Commission on Persons with Disabilities)
The mission of the ADA Advisory Council is to support the civil rights of, and full integration into, Albuquerque community life for all people with disabilities.
Learn more about the Americans with Disabilities Act Advisory Council.
- General Services Department
- 505-768-3766
Applications are being accepted for three Individuals with a Disability Representatives.
Arts Board
The central objective of the Board is "to promote and encourage private and public programs to further the development and public awareness of, and interest in, the visual arts and fine crafts and cultural properties."
The central responsibility of each member is to serve as Board liaison to Artwork Planning Committees. The full Board makes selection recommendations to the Mayor.
- Department of Arts & Culture
- Sherri S. Brueggeman
- 505-768-3833
Applications are being accepted for one At-Large position and Council District 1, 3, 5, and 6 representatives.
Balloon Fiesta Park Commission
The purpose of the Balloon Fiesta Park Commission is to provide advice and recommendations concerning the operations, management, and development of the Balloon Fiesta Park. The Commission provides a voice for the public and stakeholders in the management of the Park.
- Parks & Recreation
- Susan Rice
- 505-768-6050
Balloon Museum Board of Trustees (Anderson/Abruzzo International Museum Board of Trustees)
The Anderson Abruzzo Albuquerque International Balloon Museum Board of Trustees is a public advisory board whose primary purpose is to provide advice and recommendations to the museum for policies, plans, programs, mission, and budget.
- Department of Arts & Culture
- Nan Masland
- 505-768-6030
Biological Park Board
The Albuquerque Biological Park Advisory Board, is established for the following purposes: (A) To support the development and operation of the Albuquerque Biological Park (ABQ BioPark), which includes four primary facilities, being, Tingley Beach, the ABQ BioPark Aquarium, the ABQ BioPark Botanic Garden, and the ABQ BioPark Zoo. (B)To serve as a focal point for community input and discussion regarding the needs and development of the ABQ BioPark. (C)To encourage usage and maintain ongoing community support activities of the facility.
- Department of Arts & Culture
- Maria Tafoya
- 505-768-6211
Applications are being accepted for two At-Large positions and representatives for Council Districts 1, 3, 5, 6, and 9.
Board of Ethics
The Board of Ethics and Campaign Practices was created by Charter Article XII, the Code of Ethics. The Board of Ethics is a board of limited jurisdiction for election-related matters and violations of the Code of Ethics. The Board may conduct investigations regarding possible violations of the Election Code, the Open and Ethical Elections Code and the Code of Ethics. The Board also may issue advisory opinions at the request of City Officials and Candidates. The Office of the City Clerk retains all Board opinions as permanent records.
- Office of the City Clerk
- Cristobal Rocha
- 505-767-5873
Building Safety Appeals Committee
The Appeals Committee shall adopt rules of procedure for conducting its business and shall render all decisions and findings in writing to the appellant with a duplicate copy to the Building Official.
The committee is seeking members for the following roles. Applicants need at least 5 years of experience in the roles below:
- A registered architect in active practice
- A registered professional engineer whose field of active practice is mechanical design
- A registered professional engineer whose field of active practice is structural or civil design
- A registered professional engineer whose field of active practice is electrical design
- A licensed general contractor whose field of active practice is general building contracting
- A licensed general contractor whose field is building contracting specializing in single-family residences
- A licensed mechanical contractor whose field is mechanical contracting
- A licensed electrical contractor whose field is electrical contracting
- A licensed plumbing contractor whose field is plumbing contracting.
- Planning Department
- James Perez
- 505-924-3313
Citizens' Independent Salary Commission
Per Article XVIII adopted at the Regular Municipal Election on October 6, 2009, a Citizens' Independent Salary Commission is created with the authority to set the salaries of the Mayor and City Councilors. The Commission has the authority to evaluate the annual salaries and determine whether they should be increased or decreased. The Commission has authority to consider all factors relevant to the salaries.
Learn more about the Citizens' Independent Salary Commission.
- Office of Internal Audit
- Leslie Rendon
- 505-379-8746
Commission on American Indian and Alaska Native Affairs
The Commission serves as the forum for government-to-government relations and as an advocate for American Indian/Alaska Native affairs within the City of Albuquerque and the surrounding area, including, but not limited to, matters of employment, education, economy, health, environment, homelessness, government, and access to services in the City.
Learn more about the Commission on American Indian and Alaska Native Affairs.
- Office of Equity & Inclusion
- Brandi Ahmie
- 505-768-4547
Applications are being accepted to fill three vacancies, one representative of Sandia Pueblo, a representative of Santa Ana Pueblo, and the All Pueblo Council of Governors.
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Commission
The creation of a permanent Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Commission was a result of a central recommendation made by Mayor Keller’s 2019 Domestic Violence Task Force. In 2022, the Albuquerque City Council unanimously passed the ordinance formalizing this Commission. This Commission will work to advise the Mayor and City Council on the gaps and quality of effectiveness for domestic violence and sexual assault services in Albuquerque. This collective group of people with lived experience, advocates, service providers, law enforcement and other government agencies will serve as an effective system of prevention and intervention that is responsive to the needs of survivors and those that are at risk.
Learn more about the Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Commission.
- Albuquerque Fire and Rescue
- Emily Jaramillo
- 505-768-9355
Early Head Start Program Governance Advisory Committee
The duties, responsibilities and powers of the Committee shall be as follows: (A) Oversee the development and implementation of Early Head Start Programs goals, objectives and policies. (B) Oversee organizational performance and monitor and evaluate metrics of major programs, services, and initiatives. (C) Provide strategic direction to Early Head Start Programs and develop a strategic plan that includes an organization vision, short-term and long term goals and operational and fiscal objectives. (D) Work with the Program staff to establish procedures and criteria for recruiting, selecting and enrolling children. (E) Develop procedures for selecting Policy Council members. (F) Review the major financial expenditures and the operating budget of the Program prior to the Program's submittal of the budget to the City Council. (G) Review the major financial expenditures and the operating budget of the Program prior to the Program's submittal of the budget to City Council. (H) Be responsible for all aspects of the independent financial audits of the Program, including review of the draft findings and monitoring any necessary programmatic actions or changes arising from the audit.
Learn more about the Early Head Start Program Governance Advisory Committee.
- Family & Community Services Department
- Dr. Dawnita Blackmon-Mosely
- 505-767-6500
EMS Medical Control Board
The EMS Medical Control Board shall be responsible to the Authority for all aspects of medical control related to patient care and the delivery of medical services. The Board shall meet at the call of its Chairperson.
- Albuquerque Fire Rescue
- Chief Chris Ortiz
- 505-934-1375
Applications are being accepted for an Emergency Medical Director Representative.
EMS Providers Advisory Committee
The EMS Providers Advisory Committee shall assist the Authority and the Board in the performance of their duties through advice and consultation. The Committee shall meet at the call of its chairperson upon the request of the Authority or the Board.
- Albuquerque Fire Rescue
- Kimberly Pruett
- 505-768-9307
Environmental Planning Commission
The Environmental Planning Commission, in its advisory role to the City Council, reviews and provides recommendations on annexation requests, zone map amendment requests that require Council approval, text amendments to the Zoning Code, amendments to the Rank I Comprehensive Plan, and amendments or adoption of Rank 2 Facility Plans.
- Planning Department
- Nichole Maher
- 505-924-3845
Fire Code Board of Appeals
In order to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions or determinations made by the fire code official relative to the application and interpretation of this code, there shall be and is hereby created a Board of Appeals, which shall consist of (5) five active members. The Board of Appeals shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council. The fire code official shall be an ex officio member of said board but shall have no vote on any matter before the board.
- Fire Marshall
- Capt. Jacob K. Goevelinger
- 505-764-6300
Applications are being accepted for one Local City of Albuquerque Business Owner.
Greater Albuquerque Active Transportation Committee
The Greater Albuquerque Active Transportation Committee (GAATC) advises the City on the needs of people who walk, bike, use mobility devices, use other people-powered transportation options, and use public transit ("active transportation users") in our community. GAATC is interested in helping to make active transportation options more accessible by encouraging active participation in policy and planning efforts through all levels of government and building a more inclusive transportation community by representing the needs of the diverse population of active transportation users in the city.
GAATC was formerly the Greater Albuquerque Bicycling Advisory Committee (GABAC). In June 2021, City Council, working with committee members and City staff, amended the scope to include all active transportation users and to address a wider array of transportation issues and opportunities in the city.
Learn more about the Greater Albuquerque Active Transportation Committee.
- Municipal Development Department
- Valerie Hermanson
- 505-768-4946
Applications are being accepted for a Bicyclist and a Pedestrian and Transit User representative.
Greater Albuquerque Recreational Trails Committee
The Greater Albuquerque Recreational Trails Committee (GARTC) supports, encourages, and advises local, state, and federal agencies to set priorities to optimize the use of appropriated funding for the purpose of developing new, while maintaining and renovating older, trail networks throughout the greater Albuquerque Metropolitan region. The committee reviews plans and projects that will impact trails, providing comments from the users' point of view; encourages governmental entities to acquire and utilize right-of-way; and helps to update and fulfill the objectives of the Trails and Bikeways Facility Plan.
Learn more about the Greater Albuquerque Recreational Trails Committee.
- Parks & Recreation Department
- Whitney Phelan
- 505-768-5378
Applications are currently being accepted for a Runner/Jogger, a West of Rio Grande representative, and an Equestrian Interest representative.
Housing & Neighborhood Economic Development Committee
Housing and Neighborhood Economic Development Fund Committee (the "Committee"). There is created a Committee which shall consist of eleven members. The Mayor shall appoint the members of the Committee with the advice and consent of the Council. The Council may, individually or as a whole, recommend Committee appointees to the Mayor. The members shall include six individuals who are residents of the Pocket of Poverty, at least one of whom shall be a resident of the Barelas neighborhood, two representatives of businesses located in the Pocket of Poverty, one representative of the private housing industry, one architect, and one representative of a private lending institution. Neighborhood associations within the Pocket of Poverty shall be asked to provide the Mayor with their recommendations on the appointments of the six members who are residents of the Pocket of Poverty. The Committee shall elect a Chairperson from one of the six Pocket of Poverty resident members. The Committee shall operate as set forth in §§ 2-6-1-1 et seq.
Learn more about the Housing and Neighborhood Economic Development Committee.
- Family & Community Department
- Yolanda Krantz
- 505-768-2885
Applications for one business representative are being accepted. All applicants must live in the pocket of poverty.
Human Rights Board
The Board may: (A) Hold hearings, request the appearance of witnesses and the production of relevant books, records, correspondence, documents, and other evidence relating to any matter under investigation or in question before the Board. (B) Make such investigations and studies in the field of human relations as in the judgment of the Board will aid in effectuating its general purposes. (C) Recommend to the City Council and Mayor legislation to aid in carrying out the purposes of this article. (D) Whenever the Board has reason to believe that a violation of this article has occurred and a proceeding would be in the interest of the public, it shall issue and serve upon such person a complaint stating its charges in that respect and containing a notice of a hearing, upon a day and at a place therein fixed, at least 30 days after the service of said complaint. The person so complained of shall have the right to appear at the place and time so fixed and show cause why an order should not be entered by the Board requiring such person to cease the violation of the law so charged in said complaint. Upon failure of the person to comply with the order within ten days, the Board shall file an appropriate proceeding in the Municipal Court. This proceeding shall be de novo. The Municipal Court shall have jurisdiction to entertain a complaint alleging a violation of this article without the necessity of filing a complaint with the Board.
- Equity and Inclusion
- Dr. Nina Cooper
- 505-768-4556
Impact Fee Committee
The advisory committee pursuant to Section 5-8-37 of the New Mexico Development Fees Act, which shall be created according to the provisions of the New Mexico Development Fees Act. The forecasts of population, housing, and employment, for ten and twenty-five year periods, in total and by subareas, contained in the Planned Growth Strategy report and as adopted by the Council after these forecasts have incorporated the MRCOG 2025 county-wide forecasts for total population, housing and employment. The Infrastructure and Growth Plan should be reviewed, and updated if necessary, every three to five years. The provisions of this Ordinance as specifically identified herein and as amended or complemented by subsequent legislation that shall be specifically identified as a part of the Planned Growth Strategy when such legislation is adopted. The principal citizen advisory group that shall review, comment upon, and make recommendations regarding all of the City's efforts to implement the Planned Growth Strategy. A number of members equal to at least 60% of the total membership of this Task Force shall also sit on the Impact Fee Committee.
- City Council
- 505-768-3100
Applications are being accepted for Council Districts 1, 3, and 5 and one Mayoral Appointee position.
Indicators Progress Commission
The Indicators Progress Commission is responsible for coordinating the review of indicators of important community conditions relating to the City's five-year goals and to the community's sustainability characteristics.
- Office of the Mayor
- Daniel Manzano
- 505-768-3000
Information Services Committee
The Information Services Committee is a committee of City and private sector professionals charged with establishing the overall information systems strategy and direction plus the review and approval of all large projects and purchases over $25,000.
- Technology & Innovation Department
- Mark Leech
- 505-768-3731
Intragovernmental Conference Committee
The committee resolves disputes between the City Council and the Mayor regarding their respective duties and obligations, as directed by a City Charter amendment approved by the voters of Albuquerque, using procedures adopted by ordinance to ensure an expeditious and minimally adversarial resolution.
Learn more about the Intragovernmental Conference Committee.
- City Clerk
- Cristobal Rocha
- 505-767-5873
Labor-Management Relations Board
The City Of Albuquerque Labor-Management Relations Board is to establish fair and expeditious procedures that further the purposes of the City of Albuquerque Labor-Management Relations Ordinance (Section 3-2-1 et seq., ROA 1994) which are: Guarantee public employees the right to organize and bargain collectively with the employers; Promote harmonious and cooperative relationships between public employers and public employees; and Protect the public interest by assuring, at all times, the orderly and uninterrupted operation and functions of the City government.
- City Clerk: Office of Administrative Hearings
- Domoinque Limon
- 505-924-3650
Landmarks Commission
The duties of the Landmarks Commission include: Conduct studies and programs designed to identify and evaluate structures and areas worthy of conservation Review the status of structures and zones already designated Recommend to the Mayor and the City Council landmarks to be designated by the Council Conduct public hearings on applications for historic or urban conservation overlay zones Prepare and adopt specific development guidelines for any designated landmark, historic zone or urban conservation overlay zone Make decisions on applications for Certificates of Appropriateness for alteration, new construction or demolition Disseminate information to the public concerning historic preservation and urban conservation Seek input form groups and individuals concerning historic preservation and urban conservation Advise the Mayor, Council, and the Environmental Planning Commission on any proposed public improvements that would impact the exterior appearance of landmarks or significant structures in historic protection overlay zones.
- Planning Department
- Leslie Naji
- 505-924-3927
Library Advisory Board
The Library Advisory Board is established as a liaison between the community and its government for the following purposes: To keep itself informed of library needs and serve as a forum for discussion. To recommend to the Mayor and the County Commissioners policies for overall development to include plans for additional library facilities, and ways and means of financing improvements. To encourage the greatest use of library facilities and programs.
- Department of Arts & Culture
- Kelli Murphy
- 505-768-5122
Applications are being accepted for one At-Large position, one Bernalillo County representative, and Council District 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6 representatives.
Lodgers' Tax Advisory Board
The Lodgers' Tax Advisory Board advises the Mayor and City Council on the expenditure of Lodgers' Tax funds for advertising, publicizing, and promoting tourist attractions and facilities in Albuquerque. The Lodgers' Tax Advisory Board is a volunteer board of seven members appointed by the Mayor with advice and consent of the City Council. The board advises the Mayor and City Council on the expenditure of Lodgers' Tax funds for advertising, publicizing, and promoting tourist attractions and facilities in Albuquerque.
- Economic Development Department
- Daniel Schmuck
- 505-328-5342
Metropolitan Parks & Recreation Advisory Board
The members of this board serve an advisory role to the Director and the Parks and Recreation Department.
Learn more about the Metropolitan Parks and Recreation Advisory Board.
- Parks & Recreation Department
- Cheryl Somerfeldt
- 505-768-5363
Applications are being accepted for representatives from Council Districts 1, 4, 6, and 8.
Middle Rio Grande Housing Collaborative
The overall mission of MRGHC is to ensure that more affordable housing units are developed and located within the City of Albuquerque and unincorporated parts of Bernalillo County. The Commission will be responsible for oversight of the Executive Director of the MRGHC and ensuring that they are furthering the MRGHC’s mission and purpose
More information coming soon.
Contact information is coming soon.
Municipal Golf Advisory Board
The Board shall act in an advisory capacity to the Mayor, Council and staff of the Parks and Recreation Department. The Board shall promote and encourage private and public programs to further the development and public awareness of, and interest in the municipal golf courses. The Board shall act in an advisory capacity to the Department of Parks and Recreation in connection with the development and promotion in golf.
- Parks & Recreation Department
- Melissa DeHerrera
- 505-767-5203
Applications are being accepted for one At-Large position, an Arroyo del Oso Women's, a Ladera Women's representative, and a Los Altos Men's representative.
Old Town Portal Market Advisory Board
The Old Town Portal Market Advisory Board reviews the policy for solicitations and acts to promote communication and collaboration among the parties affected by the Portal Market activities in the H-1 Historic Old Town Zone by conducting public meetings on a bi-monthly basis.
- Department of Arts & Culture
- Bree Ortiz
- 505-768-3452
Older American’s Act Advisory Council
The council shall advise the Area Agency on Aging relative to the following: Developing and administering the “Area Plan”; Conducting public hearings; Representing the interests of older persons; Reviewing and commenting in all community policies, programs and actions which affect older persons with the intent of assuring maximum coordination and responsiveness to older persons; and Reviewing and commenting on Area Plans and amendments submitted to the State Agency on Aging for app
- Family & Community Services Department
- Michelle Briscoe
- 505-768-2745
Applications are being accepted for one At-Large position and two Bernalillo County representatives.
Open Space Advisory Board
(1) Study data, including ecological data, which should guide the adoption and amendment of open space plans and programs, maintain liaison and seek input from citizen interest groups including especially the Open Space Task Force. (2) Advise the EPC, the Mayor, and the City Council as to an appropriate city open space program, which advice shall include: (a) Implementation of adopted open space plans; (b) Priorities for the acquisition of "major public open space" or "public easement or rights" implementing the Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Comprehensive Plan; (c) Basic policies on management of city-owned open space; and (d) Criteria for evaluating proposals for significant physical changes and installations on and adjacent to open space lands; (e) Evaluation of proposals to install extraordinary facilities on city-owned open space; and (f) Evaluation of proposals to sell, lease, exchange, or otherwise dispose of open space exchange lands or other lands acquired with open space funds. (3) Annually make recommendations to the EPC, the Mayor, and the City Council on updating the open space program, including land acquisition and other open space capital improvements. (4) Periodically review open space plans in consultation with citizen interest groups, especially the Open Space Task Force. Advise the EPC, the Mayor, and the City Council on needed new plans and plan amendments, ranging from detailed project plans to the Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Comprehensive Plan. Make recommendations for the annual proposed city planning program. (5) Upon request, advise or assist the Mayor in negotiations for open space land acquisition. (6) The Board's recommendations shall be consistent with the conditions imposed on expenditure of interest of the Permanent Fund for Open Space as specified in §§ 4-2-3-1 et seq. and the conditions imposed on the expenditure of monies from the Quality of Life Fund as specified in Resolution 89-1987; the Board's proposals shall also take into account all funding sources available for the Open Space program. (7) Approve the sale or lease of certain interests in Open Space Exchange Lands, as provided in § 4-2-3-5. ('74 Code, § 7-15-6) (Ord. 10-1983; Am. Ord. 79-1989; Am. Ord. 39-1990)
- Parks & Recreation Department
- Amanda Romero
- 505-452-5202
Paratransit Advisory Board (PTAB)
The members of this committee serve an advisory role to the Director and ABQ RIDE. The committee currently meets from 4 to 5:30 p.m. on the third Tuesday of the month, every other month.
- Transit Department
- Jessica Luna
- 505-724-3121
Personnel Board
The Personnel Board is composed of five members. Two members are appointed by the Mayor, two members are selected by employees by election and then appointed by the Mayor while the remaining member is selected by the other four members.
- City Clerk: Office of Administrative Hearings
- Domoinque Limon
- 505-924-3650
Police Oversight Advisory Board
The Police Oversight Advisory Board is a nine-member board appointed by the City Council. Members are appointed for three-year staggered terms and are eligible for reappointment for an additional full term.
- Civilian Police Oversight Advisory Agency
- Diane McDermott
- 505-924-3770
Public Safety Tax Advisory Board
The City Council finds that an ongoing review is needed to ensure that the use of the Public Safety Tax most effectively meets the needs of the City and its residents. The City Council also finds that an advisory board consisting of key City and citizen public safety stakeholders is the most appropriate vehicle to review the use of the tax, and suggest changes, if necessary, in the distribution of Public Safety Tax revenue.
- Department of Finance and Administrative Services
- Lisa Lopez
- 505-768-3396
Route 66 Visitor Center Commission
To preserve and further the vision of the community members who created the center it is necessary that community members continue to be instrumental in developing policies and goals to operate the center and address the challenges and opportunities the Route 66 Visitor Center will encounter.
- Department of Arts and Culture
- Bree Ortiz
- 505-768-3452
Senior Affairs Advisory Council
Promote awareness and education on senior issues, increasing community involvement and commitment to seniors. Advocate on behalf of seniors, insuring the senior population is represented and the policies support the mission of the Department of Senior Affairs. Support the program development by acting as the ears and eyes of the Department, assessing needs and skills of seniors, become knowledgeable of available services in the community, assessing and giving recommendations on program development and delivery of services and supporting the funding development activities. Support the development of strategic alliances, identifying and encouraging essential partnerships between DSA and other entities.
- Senior Affairs Department
- Ilan Tena
- 505-764-6400
Small Business Regulatory Advisory Commission
The Small Business Regulatory Advisory Commission (SBRAC) represents the voice of the small business community in Albuquerque. SBRAC is a volunteer board of seven members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council. SBRAC reviews policy and regulations as well as provides recommendations in order to maintain a vibrant and growing small business sector and minimize costs and burdens on small business.
Learn more about the Small Business Regulatory Advisory Commission.
- Economic Development Department
- Frankie Hermosillo
- 505-991-6474
Technical Standards Committee
The Technical Standards Committee hears appeals from individuals who do not agree with the decisions of the City Engineer. Any appeals should be made by notice of appeal in writing addressed to the Technical Standards Committee and delivered to the office of the City Engineer within 30 days after the date the decision was mailed to the applicant.
- Planning Department
- Linda Evans
- 505-924-3979
Applications are being accepted for one At Large position and four Professional Engineer positions.
Transit Advisory Board
The members of this committee serve an advisory role to the Director and ABQ RIDE.
- Transit Department
- Margaret Lucero
- 505-724-3198
Urban Enhancement Trust Fund Citizens' Committee
The Urban Enhancement Trust Fund (UETF) is a public endowment created by the Albuquerque City Council in 1983 to fund both capital and cultural projects. In 2004, the City Council amended the ordinance to provide that all funds available from the endowment should be directed to cultural projects. The ordinance also provides for an eleven-member citizens' committee called the UETF Committee that is responsible for establishing guidelines, criteria for project selection for each two-year granting cycle and oversight for each funded project throughout the two years.
Learn more about the Urban Enhancement Trust Fund Citizens Committee.
- Department of Arts & Culture
- Eric Werner
- 505-768-3451
Applications are being accepted for Council Districts 3, 5, 8, and 9 representatives.
Veterans and Military Affairs Advisory Board
The Veterans and Military Affairs Advisory Board is made up of twelve Veterans residing in the City of Albuquerque and serves in an advisory capacity.
Learn more about the Veterans and Military Affairs Advisory Board.
- Office of the Mayor
- Thomas Tozier
- 505-768-3000
Water Protection Advisory Board
The Water Protection Advisory Board (WPAB) is a committee established through joint ordinance of the City of Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, and the Water Utility Authority. The WPAB has four main objectives: Advise on matters pertaining to ground and surface water protection Oversee the Water Quality Protection Policy and Action Plan Advocate for the protection of ground and surface water quality through consistent policy making Promote ideas, strategies and policies that are effective in protecting surface and ground water quality.
- Environmental Health Department
- Charles Barber
- 505-768-2630
Mayor's Youth Advisory Council
The Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council works to provide the Mayor’s office with the youth's perspective on city issues and to foster a sense of community in order to aid in the development and betterment of Albuquerque.
- Office of Civic Engagement
- Zoe Otero Martinez
- 505-768-3052
Zoning Hearing Examiner
The Zoning Hearing Examiner (ZHE) conducts monthly quasi-judicial public hearings regarding special exceptions to the Integrated Development Ordinance.
- Planning Department
- Lorena Patten-Quintana
- 505-924-3940
There are no vacancies on this board at this time.