Senior Companion Program
Senior Companions volunteer with homebound, isolated, sometimes frail seniors one-on-one in Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, and the surrounding pueblos. Volunteers serve directly in clients’ homes and may prepare a light meal, assist clients in running errands, or simply spend time with clients providing companionship and friendship. Volunteers may also provide respite services to family caregivers.
Monthly training is provided for volunteers. Senior Companions volunteer an average of 20 hours a week. All volunteers receive mileage reimbursement and supplemental insurance for use of their own vehicle while serving, and income-eligible volunteers may earn a non-taxable stipend.
To apply, please email [email protected].
Check Volunteer Opportunities Apply to be a Volunteer Enter Hours Served
- Supervisor: Viridiana Rodriguez Flores, [email protected]
- Case Management Coordinator: Jenna Stanton, [email protected]
Monday through Friday: 8 AM to 5 PM
Barelas Senior Center
714 7th St. SW, 87102
SCP News
Monthly Newsletter
Advisory Council Members Needed!
Community-minded individuals are needed to serve as Council Members for two programs that have been assisting children in schools and senior-to-senior companions in the City of Albuquerque for over 40 years. The purpose of the Foster Grandparents/Senior Companion Program Advisory Council is to serve in an advisory capacity to the Program staff in matters affecting planning and formulation of program policy. Council members assist in promoting community support for the program, evaluating the effectiveness of the program, and may serve as a grievance body. Council Members also help in developing local resources through fundraising. For more information, call 505-764-1080 or email [email protected].
To register for Senior Companion volunteer opportunities, visit the One Albuquerque Senior Companion Volunteer Page.