Home Services
*Referrals for Seasonal Yard Work are currently full. Refferals for Evaporative Cooler Startups will be accepted starting on March 17 until filled. For more information, please call our Senior Information Assistance Line at 505-764-6400. Thank you.
The Home Services program does not perform cosmetic services or services requiring a license.
Services are provided at no cost. Donations are welcomed; however, no one is denied services based on their inability to donate. Individuals with the greatest economic or social need are prioritized.
Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible for services, one must live in Albuquerque/Bernalillo County and be age 60 and over. Retrofit services require an in-home assessment by the Case Management program.* The majority of services are provided for homeowners who occupy the service address; however, some equipment may be available for renters.**
Services Provided
- Door Knobs and/or Locks
- Wireless Doorbell
- Flooring Trip Hazards
- Smoke Detectors
- Carbon Monoxide Detector
- Fire Extinguisher
- Battery Replacement
- Lightbulb Replacement
- Seasonal Yardwork (Spring/Fall)
- Evaporative Cooler Start-Up/Shut Down (Spring/Fall)
- Firewood
- Safety Railing
- Step Modification
- Doorway Modification
- Wheelchair Ramp
- Durable/Safety Equipment
*Assessments performed by a Senior Affairs Case Management Coordinator to determine eligibility, including barriers to performing daily activities.
**Available to renters with owner's signed permission form submitted within 30 days.