Exercises for seniors to do at home.
Exercises for seniors to do at home.
Status of DSA Services and activities as of June 9, 2020.
Department of Senior Affairs nutrition newsletter for June 2020.
Public Announcement for the July 2020 Senior Affairs Advisory Council Meeting.
Agenda for the July 2020 Senior Affairs Advisory Council Meeting.
Draft Minutes from the June 2020 Senior Affairs Advisory Council Meeting.
The final minutes from the February 2020 Senior Affairs Advisory Council Meeting.
Menu for senior meals for August 2020.
A listing of activities by the Department of Senior Affairs for seniors 50+ between August and December 2020.
Lottery registration form for youth programs conducted at North Domingo Baca and Manzano Mesa Multigenerational Centers.
Activities and information for Bear Canyon Senior Center for August 2020.
Activities and information for Los Volcanes Senior Center for August 2020.
Activities and information for Highland Senior Center for August 2020.
Activities and information for North Valley Senior Center for August 2020.
Activities and information for Palo Duro Senior Center for August 2020.
Activities and information for Barelas Senior Center for August 2020.
Flyer for webinar on how to prevent bone fractures hosted by Senior Affairs in conjunction with American Bone Health on Aug. 19.
A menu served at Department of Senior Affairs meals programs throughout the month of September.