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  • Notice of correction- landfills NSPS NESHAPs_2-28-2017
  • 06-10-2015 Case # 14-207 Albuquerque Police Department Body-Worn Camera Procurement

    The Office of Inspector General (“OIG”) was contacted by Councilor Dan Lewis on April 25, 2014, requesting an investigation. Councilor Lewis requested that the OIG look into the actions of the former Albuquerque Police Chief to determine whether or not the Former Chief violated the City’s Conflict of Interest Ordinance in his dealings with TASER International, Inc. (“TASER”). In addition, Councilor Lewis asked that the OIG investigate whether the Former Chief used his influence to assist TASER in its dealings with the City.

  • 2013 OIG Annual Report
  • 2014 OIG Annual Report
  • 2015 OIG Annual Report
  • 09-04-2015 Case # 15-201 Animal Welfare

    The Office of Inspector General (OIG) conducted an investigation into the Animal Welfare Department (AWD) and allegations that AWD is allowing behaviorally unsafe and potentially dangerous dogs to be adopted out and transferred out into the community. This investigation sought to determine: Whether or not AWD allowed behaviorally unsafe and dangerous dogs to be released back into the community. Whether the Director of AWD withheld information from the OIG concerning AWD’s handling of behaviorally unsafe and dangerous dogs.

  • 06-25-2015 Case # 15-202 Donations

    The Office of Inspector General (OIG) received a complaint concerning the Department of Family and Community Services. The complainant expressed concerns that the Health and Social Services Centers -- namely John Marshall and East Central -- were not donating items to the community, as they should, and that center employees were keeping some of the items.

  • 12-09-2015 Case # 16-201 Planning Department

    Information was brought to our attention by the Chief Building Official for the Building and Safety Division of the Planning Department regarding allegations of impropriety by a former City Residential Building Inspector with the department. Information surfaced that the former inspector issued several inspection approval tags for a local restaurant job in which he had also performed most of the (unlicensed) plumbing work.

  • 12-18-2014 Case # 14-205 Golf Concessions

    The Office of Inspector General (OIG) conducted an investigation concerning several issues involving the Concessionaires at the City of Albuquerque’s four (4) golf courses. This investigation was predicated upon a complaint brought to our office by an individual seeking protection under the Whistleblower Ordinance.

  • 06-25-2014 Case # 204 Water Authority

    The Office of Inspector General (OIG) conducted an investigation concerning fraudulent payments made to a personal Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority (WA) account by a City employee. The investigation was predicated upon information received by the Internal Audit Director that was forwarded to the OIG.

  • 02-27-14 Case # 14-201 Recyling Carts

    A complaint was brought forth relating to recycling carts recently purchased by SWMD for the current recycling program and citywide rollout of carts. The complaint alleged that there were 5,000 extra recycling carts purchased unnecessarily, which are going unused.

  • 05-08-14 Case # 14-202 Cash Out

    The Office of Inspector General (OIG) conducted an investigation concerning shortages of money that occurred at the Albuquerque Botanical Gardens. This investigation was predicated upon information received from a City of Albuquerque, Treasury Supervisor.

  • 06-25-12 Case# 12-215 Alleged Misuse of Fuel Cards by AFD Mechanic

    On May 4, 2012, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) was contacted by Tige Watson, Deputy Chief with the Albuquerque Fire Department (AFD), regarding the possible misuse of fuel cards by an AFD mechanic.

  • 10-30-13 Case # 13-204 Jack Candelaria Community Center

    The Office of Inspector General (OIG) conducted an investigation concerning a Department of Family and Community Services (DFCS) employee for alleged misuse of City time during the employee’s work hours. This investigation was predicated upon an email received from a City Council member’s office.

  • 05-11-12 Case# 12-211 Case Management Issues of DSA Employee

    On or about March 1, 2012, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) was contacted by Peter Ennen, Risk Management regarding some issues concerning a Department of Senior Affairs (DSA) employee, which involved case management issues and possible falsification of documents contained in his cases.

  • 04-20-12 Case# 12-212 Albuquerque Housing Authority

    Request for Investigation into the expenditures and actions of the Director of the Albuquerque Housing Authority (AHA)

  • 04-20-12 Case# 12-210 Solid Waste, WUA Deposit

    On March 8, 2012, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) was contacted by a City Treasury Supervisor regarding a discrepancy in a Water Utility Authority bill.

  • 03-16-12 CASE# 12-209 AFD Missing Deposit

    On January 12, 2012, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) was contacted by City Treasurer, Cilia Aglialoro regarding missing monies from the Albuquerque Fire Department.

  • 06-27-12 Case# 12-214 Alleged Accident/Injury Involving Sun Van Chauffeur

    On November 4, 2011, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) was notified that Tran2 wanted to speak with us about possibly helping with an investigation of an alleged accident.

  • 02-17-12 CASE# 12-202 Whistleblower Complaint against the Solid Waste Management Department

    On August 29, 2011, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) met with an employee of the Solid Waste Management Department (SWMD). This employee requested confidentiality and sought the protection of the Whistleblower Policy.