Standard Operating Procedures
Standard Operating Procedures
View the Standard Operating Procedures.
The Albuquerque Police Department's Standard Operating Procedures Manual (SOP) is available online. The manual contains three specific areas: General Orders, Procedural Orders and Administrative Orders.
Manuals Defined
The General Orders Manual contains directives that establish policies related to the core values and functions of the police department. General orders include the Personnel Code of Conduct, Discipline System, Social Media Policy and Officer's Duties.
The Procedural Orders Manual establishes the procedures used by sworn personnel to accomplish their duties. These duties include such things as vehicle pursuit, arrests, investigative activities and searches.
The Administrative Orders Manual provides police department personnel with guidance in administrative matters; such as temporary assignments, educational leave, purchasing and training.
Need Assistance? Let Us Know
In order to make sure your accessibility needs are being met, such as sign language interpretation, please contact the Policy and Procedure Unit (formerly Office of Policy Analysis) at or 505-768-2239.