Sex Offender Lookup
Sex Offender Information
The information provided on this site is intended for community safety purposes only and should not be used to threaten, intimidate, or harass. Misuse of this information may result in criminal prosecution.
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The City of Albuquerque has not assessed the specific risk posed by any particular individual sex offender or class of sex offenders and has made no determination regarding the current dangerousness or degree of dangerousness of any individual sex offender or class of sex offenders. The main purpose of providing this data on the Internet is to make the information more easily available and accessible, not to warn about any specific individual.
The site provides information to the public concerning the location of sex offenders within the Albuquerque Metropolitan area. This site is not intended to supplant the community notification process, but rather, it allows the criminal justice community to promote public awareness concerning the potential threat that sex offenders pose to City of Albuquerque citizens.
Recognizing that it is impossible to notify every citizen about a sex offender's presence in their community, this site will enable you to obtain information and take the necessary precautions. Providing the public with information regarding convicted sex offenders is a crucial step towards encouraging the public to protect themselves from potential future acts.
The Albuquerque Police Department has established this site according to the requirements of the Albuquerque Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act or "ASORNA."
This site does not contain information on all convicted sex offenders.
Information is only provided for sex offenders who were convicted after January 1, 1970 and are currently registered with the Albuquerque Police Department and the State. The Police Department and State only registers those sex offenders with convictions against children.
The Albuquerque Police Department and State updates this information regularly, however, you are cautioned that the information contained on this site may not reflect the current residence, status, or other information regarding the offender! If you believe that any of the information found in these records is in error, please send us your comments.