Neighborhood Associations
Neighborhood associations help individuals band together to strengthen citizen participation efforts, hold institutions accountable for action, and communicate conditions that relate to other goals. Neighborhood associations help stabilize neighborhoods and ensure that certain standards are maintained, increasing community pride. Many neighborhood associations work with the Albuquerque Police Department as official neighborhood block watch agents and in community policing partnerships.
Neighborhood associations perform several different roles. Recognized associations receive information from the City on nearby development and perform certain functions when requests for zone changes, site development plans, and liquor licenses are made. Recognized associations must have an annual meeting, elect officers and file an annual report of activities with the City’s Office of Neighborhood Coordination. Active associations are also forums for official neighborhood beautification efforts and crime watches. Inactive associations have not complied with the meeting and reporting requirements, although they may still function on a neighborhood level for other common needs.
You can find information about your neighborhood association on the Office of Neighborhood Coordination website.