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Michael Tubb, Aug. 18, 2024

Information about the homicide investigation of Michael Tubb.

About the Victim

Case Status: Closed
Case #: 240067308
Location of Incident: 505 Gold Ave SW 

Incident Details

On August 18, 2024, at approximately 0320 hours officers responded to an unrelated vehicle crash in the downtown area of Albuquerque. Upon arrival, they were flagged down for a separate crash. Officers located two subjects in a vehicle. One was deceased from gunshot wounds, and the other had injuries from gunshot wounds. This is an ongoing investigation.

Meet the leadership team working to solve this case.

If You Have Information

If you have information about this, or any other case, please contact Crime Stoppers. Crime Stoppers will never ask for your name and you will remain completely anonymous. The phone line is not recorded, nor is it connected to any caller ID device.

Call 911 for an emergency or a crime in progress.

Image of the Albuquerque Police Department patch.