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Shared Active Transportation

Regulations and forms for shared bicycles, e-scooters, and all other powered micro-mobility vehicles.

E-scooters can be activated through the respective vendor's free mobile phone application and used to replace car trips when going to the store, meeting up with friends, exploring the city, and taking many other daily trips.

Updated Permit Application

We have updated the Shared Active Transportation program’s rules and regulations to be consistent with forthcoming updates to the Traffic Code (Chapter 8) and Open Space (Chapter 5) Ordinances. The updated Shared Active Transportation Program Permit and Agreement document includes those updates and the required fees.

Shared Active Transportation Programs provide small vehicles (bicycles, scooters, e-bikes, e-scooters, and other small, wheeled vehicles) for rent to the public over short periods of time.

These programs are required by law to have a Permit to operate in the City of Albuquerque (pursuant to Part 8-3-5 of the Code of OrdinancesExternal Link Disclaimer).

Using Shared Active Transportation

People who use these small vehicles should do so safely and responsibly. All users are required to follow state and local rules. Any rule that applies to bicycles also applies to e-scooters and other small vehicles that might be provided as part of one of these programs.

Station Location MapExternal Link Disclaimer

Some rules to remember:

  • Helmets are required for anyone under 18 – and encouraged for all users.
  • Ride on the right side of the street, with the flow of traffic.
  • Do not operate a small vehicle on a sidewalk when there is a wide right lane, bike lane, or multi-use trail adjacent to the road in the direction of travel; when signs are posted prohibiting bicycles on the sidewalk; or when in a business district (areas where at least 50% of the buildings contain commercial, office, or civic uses).
  • If you need to ride on the sidewalk, ride slowly and yield to pedestrians.
  • Follow the instructions of official traffic signals and signs.
  • Do not bring small, active vehicles (scooters, e-bikes, e-scooters, and other small, wheeled vehicles) onto City buses.
  • Park responsibly – don’t block sidewalks or other pedestrian pathways, intersections, bus stops, or entrances to buildings. Park vehicles at stations or drop zones, at/near bike racks, or in a landscape buffer, if there is one. If you need to park on the sidewalk, do so in a location that does not block other movement on the sidewalk.
  • If you see a unit toppled over or parked improperly, help out by righting the unit and reporting the issue to the Operator. Contact information for permitted Operators is below and is required to be marked on all vehicles.
  • Using small motorized vehicles can be very dangerous. Roadways, streets, alleys, sidewalks, paths, and trails may have dangerous conditions. Users must stay alert at all times, and are responsible for their own safety while riding.

Shared Active Transportation Program FAQs

Additional Resources