Public Notice Requirement in the IDO
The Integrated Development Ordinance (IDO) requires public notice before submitting an application for many types of development.
Public Notice Requirement: | Notice to: | Responsibility: |
Mailed Notice |
Property Owners Tribal Representatives (Archaeological Certificate only) |
Applicant |
Emailed Notice |
Neighborhood Association / Coalition Representative Tribal Representatives (Archaeological Certificate only) |
Applicant |
Posted Sign |
Public |
Applicant |
Published Notice |
Public |
Staff |
Web Posting |
Public |
Staff |
The IDO also requires meetings for some types of development, some of which are required before submitting an application.
- Pre-application Review Team Consultations
- Pre-submittal Tribal Meeting
- Post-submittal Facilitated Meeting
IDO Table 6-1-1 establishes:
- the type of public notice required for each type of application.
- the type of meeting required or available for some applications.
- the decision-making body for each type of application.
- whether a public hearing is required for each type of application.
It is the responsibility of people receiving the public notice to follow-up to get more information about a project. Once an application is received by the City, it becomes public record, and anyone can ask to review the application materials. The public notice will provide information about what applications will be submitted and when.
- See Boards and Commissions for agendas and meeting materials.
- Contact the Planning Department at [email protected] or call 505-924-3857 (choose Option 1) and ask to speak to the case planner associated with the relevant decision-making body for more information.
Published Notice
Planning staff submits a legal ad that is published in the Albuquerque Journal.
- See the relevant Board or Commission for an "Application & Hearing Schedule," which indicates when this ad is submitted.
Web Posting
Planning staff posts the case on a City Planning webpage.
- Decisions Requiring a Public Hearing
- See relevant Board or Commission
- Site Plan - Administrative
- Search by subject property address
Public Hearing Information
For applications that require a decision-maker to conduct a hearing per IDO Table 6-1-1, applicants must contact Planning staff to get the Zoom meeting information (links and phone numbers) that must be included in all notices (email, mail, and sign posting).
- For Zoning Hearing Examiner (ZHE) applications email [email protected]
- For Environmental Planning Commission (EPC) applications, contact [email protected]
- For Landmarks Commission (LC) applications, contact [email protected]
- For Development Hearing Officer (DHO) applications, contact Development Services Division ([email protected])
- You can also call 505-924-3860 and select the option for "Boards, Commissions, and ZHE signs"
Posted Signs
For applications that require posted signs per IDO Table 6-1-1, the applicant must sign a posting agreement with the application. AFTER the application has been accepted as complete, the applicant must come to the Planning Department (Plaza del Sol, 600 2nd Street) during normal business hours to pick up a sign and then post it on the subject property.
- Administrative decisions: Zoning Counter (east side of the ground floor)
- DHO decisions: Development Review Services (west side of the ground floor)
- EPC / LC / ZHE decisions: Urban Design & Development (3rd floor reception desk)
- As of 10/18/2024: For EPC signs, make an appointment to pick up your sign to make sure someone is ready to help you!
- Example: EPC Sign
See also IDO §14-16-6-4(J)(4).
Emailed and Mailed Notice
For applications that require mailed or emailed notice per IDO Table 6-1-1, the applicant must send them to the required recipients BEFORE submitting an application to the City. The applicant will be required to provide proof of notification in their application.
- Email notice: See IDO §14-16-6-4(J)(2)
- Mailed notice: See IDO §14-16-6-4(J)(3)
Names & Addresses for Required Recipients
Applicants obtain names and addresses of the required recipients of the public notice as follows:
- Emailed Notice to Neighborhood Association and Coalition Representatives:
- Fill out this Public Notice Inquiry Sheet.
- Emailed and Mailed Notice to Tribal Representatives for Archaeological Certificate only:
- Email [email protected] to request the contact list for tribal representatives.
- Email AND certified mail is required to all tribal representatives on the contact list.
- Mailed Notice to Property Owners:
- Send an email to [email protected] with the following information:
- Address
- Legal description of the property (lot/block/subdivision)
- Zone Atlas page with the property marked
- Type of application that will be submitted per IDO Table 6-1-1
- Send an email to [email protected] with the following information:
Required Notice Forms
Applicants must use the Notice Form checklist AND the relevant Notice Form for notice to property owners or neighborhood associations/coalitions. Use Acrobat Reader (free to download) to fill these forms out electronically.
Email Notice to Neighborhood Associations/Coalitions:
- Administrative Decisions
- Decisions Requiring a Public Hearing
- Use this version for applications decided by the ZHE:
- Conditional Use
- Expansion of a Nonconforming Use or Structure
- Variance - ZHE
- Use this version for Wireless Telecommunications Facilities
- Use this version for applications decided by the ZHE:
- Policy Decisions
Email and Mailed Notice to Tribal Representatives
Mailed Notice to Property Owners:
- Administrative Decisions
- Use this version for Temporary Use Permit and Temporary Window Wrap Permit
- Use this version for Wireless Telecommunications Facilities
- Decisions Requiring a Public Hearing
- Use this version for applications decided by the ZHE.
- Use this version for Wireless Telecommunications Facilities
- Policy Decisions
The following are the required notice forms for specific application types from IDO Table 6-1-1 that require Mail or Email Notice, along with recommended attachments.
- See more information about Attachments below.
- See Sample Attachments below.
Application Type | Email Notice Form | Mailed Notice Form | Recommended Attachments |
Archaeological Certificate |
Description of proposed project, Proposed Site Plan (as much as is known), architectural renderings (if available) |
Historic Certificate of Appropriateness – Minor |
N/A |
Photographs of property, elevations showing any changes, material specifications |
Sign Permit or Alternative Signage Plan |
N/A |
Sign illustration(s) and dimensions, Site Plan |
Site Plan – Administrative |
N/A |
Site Plan, architectural renderings |
Temporary Use Permit |
N/A |
Temporary Window Wrap |
N/A |
Wall or Fence Permit - Minor (i.e. no taller than the maximum height allowed) |
N/A |
Wall illustration(s), site plan with wall or fence detail |
Wireless Telecommunications Facility (WTF) |
Site Plan, elevations |
Application Type | Email Notice Form | Mailed Notice Form | Recommended Attachments |
Carport Permit |
Conditional Use Approval |
Demolition outside an HPO |
Photo of structure proposed for demolition |
Expansion of Nonconforming Use or Structure |
Historic Certificate of Appropriateness – Major |
Elevations; photographs of existing building; floor plans, if relevant; material specifications |
Historic Design Standards and Guidelines |
Master Development Plan |
Master Development Plan with related drawings and development standards |
Site Plan – DRB or EPC |
Site Plan, architectural renderings |
Subdivision of Land – Minor |
Sketch Plat |
Subdivision of Land – Major |
Plat, cross sections of proposed streets, proposed Infrastructure List, Traffic Impact Study Form |
Vacation of Easement or Right-of-Way |
Drawing showing easement(s) or right-of-way(s) to be vacated |
Variance – DRB or EPC |
Scale drawing of proposed variance |
Variance – ZHE |
Wall or Fence Permit - Major (i.e. request for taller wall) |
Wireless Telecommunications Facility Waiver |
Site Plan, elevations |
Application Type | Email Notice Form | Mailed Notice Form | Recommended Attachments |
Annexation of Land |
Aerial image |
Zoning Map Amendment |
Summary of justification for request |
The forms above specify required attachments. Providing detailed information about the future development helps people determine whether they need to send comments to address any concerns or testify at the public meeting or hearing (if applicable) or whether they are satisfied that the project does not pose any concerns.
If you include attachments to an email, PDFs and small file sizes are best. If too large to attach, you can also upload them to a website or a cloud-storage site where they can be accessed and downloaded.
- Zone Atlas page with the property outlined (or a Site Location Map or Google Map)
- Visit AGIS zone atlas grid map to locate the Zone Atlas page that contains your project.
- Download the corresponding Zone Atlas page here.
- Mark up the map to clearly identify the project site.
- Address Report
Sample Attachments
Aerial image with the site identified. Label surrounding roads to provide context.
Zone Atlas Page with the site identified. Include Address.
General Site Layout. Provide full sheet if necessary to show details.
Conceptual elevation
Conceptual landscaping plan