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Problematic Properties Program

A list and information about the top 15 most problematic properties out of approximately 300 substandard properties in Albuquerque.

Problematic Properties Resolved Problematic Properties

What is the Problematic Properties Program?

The Problematic Properties Program is managed by the Code Enforcement Division of the Planning Department. It targets properties that pose a public nuisance to neighborhoods and communities. These properties can include abandoned or substandard homes that continue to drain city resources, structurally compromised buildings, or those properties that are hotspots for criminal activity.

Table: Top 15 Problematic Properties (Updated January 13, 2025)


Image Address Agency & Contact Email Status
A dilapidated house in need of repair.

425 Fitzgerald NW

Code Enforcement

Rehabilitation is ongoing. The property owner has been issued a building permit.

A dilapidated house in need of repair. There is a temporary chain link fence installed around the perimeter of the property.

436 Grove St SE

Code Enforcement

The property owner has completed asbestos abatement on the property. Rehabilitation is ongoing.

A dilapidated house in need of repair. 7901 Marquette Ave NE Code Enforcement Preparing packet for Administrative Demolition Hearing, pending completion of a title search. The property is now fenced.
A dilapidated house in need of repair with a white recreational vehicle in the driveway. 13320 Camino Del Norte NE Code Enforcement Preparing packet for Administrative Demolition Hearing, pending completion of a title search.
A dilapidated building in need or repair of demolition. 1115 Tomas St SW Code Enforcement Preparing packet for Administrative Demolition Hearing, pending completion of a title search.
A dilapidated house in need of repairs. 5329 Sooner Trail NW Code Enforcement This property has a new owner who is attempting rehabilitation.
A dilapidated adobe house in need of repair. 920 California St SE Code Enforcement Unsafe structure, pending an emergency demolition. 
Two dilapidated townhomes in need of repair. 2100 High St SE Code Enforcement Preparing packet for Administrative Demolition Hearing. Title search received.
A partially collapsed building that was involved with a fire that is in need of repair or demolition. 1803 6th St NW Code Enforcement Preparing packet for Administrative Demolition Hearing, pending completion of a title search.
A dilapidated house in need of repair. 833 Pawnee St NE Code Enforcement Preparing packet for Administrative Demolishing Hearing, pending completion of a title search.
A dilapidated house with a scrap pile in the front yard. 13608 Cedarbrook NE Code Enforcement The new owner has started rehabilitation on the property and has been issued a building permit.
A dilapidated structure in need of repairs or demolition. 629 Ortiz Dr SE Code Enforcement Preparing packet for Administrative Demolition Hearing, pending completion of a title search.
Two dilapidated buildings in need of repair. 1824 Alvarado Dr NE Code Enforcement The new owner has started rehabilitation on the property and has been issued a building permit.
A dilapidated adobe house in need of repair. 5413 Kathryn Ave SE Code Enforcement Unsafe structure, pending an emergency demolition.
6416 Central SE.jpg 6416 Central SE Code Enforcement Preparing packet for Administrative Demolition Hearing. Title search received.

Resolved Problematic Properties

View the list of former problematic properties in Albuquerque that have been successfully resolved.

List of Resolved Problematic Properties: Updated January 13, 2025

Below are some recent examples of resolved problematic properties. 

Before Image Address Resolution After Image
A dilapidated building before it came into the Problematic Properties Program. 13301 Cedarbrook NE Remodeled by owner A rehabilitated residential property
A dilapidated building before it came into the Problematic Properties Program. 225 Utah NE Demolished by Code Enforcement A clear residential lot after the dilapidated structure was demolished.
A dilapidated building before it came into the Problematic Properties Program. 6816 Ina NE Demolished by owner A clear residential lot after the dilapidated structure was demolished.
A dilapidated building before it came into the Problematic Properties Program. 710 Cromwell SW Demolished by Code Enforcement A clear residential lot after the dilapidated structure was demolished.
A dilapidated building before it came into the Problematic Properties Program. 1828 Mary Ellen NE Demolished by Code Enforcement A clear residential lot after the dilapidated structure was demolished.
A dilapidated building before it came into the Problematic Properties Program. 629 San Mateo SE Demolished by Code Enforcement A clear residential lot after the dilapidated structure was demolished.
A dilapidated building before it came into the Problematic Properties Program. 1301 Gerald SE Demolished by Code Enforcement A clear residential lot after the dilapidated structure was demolished.
318 Mesilla.jpg 318 Mesilla NE Demolished by Code Enforcement A cleared residential lot.
A dilapidated house in need of repair. 1509 Silent Meadows SW Demolished by Code Enforcement A clear residential lot after the dilapidated structure was demolished.