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Shanta Strong Swim Fund

Swim Lesson Scholarship for free swim lessons for Children, created to memorialize a head lifeguard, Shanta Hanish who was tragically taken from us during the summer of 2019.

Apply to Receive a Scholarship

To qualify for the Shanta Strong Swim Fund Scholarship, your child must meet one (1) of following criteria:

  • Attend a Title 1 School
  • Be on Medicaid
  • Utilize SNAP or New Mexico EBT.
  • Children in Foster Care

Proof or verification of use of one of the previously mentioned services should be included with the application.

Para calificar para la beca Shanta Strong Swim Fund, su hijo debe cumplir con uno (1) de los siguientes criterios:

  • Van a una escuela de Título 1
  • Están en el seguro de Medicaid
  • Utilizan SNAP o EBT de Nuevo Mexico
  • Niños que  están en el sistema de Foster Care
Se debe incluir prueba o verificación del uso de uno de estos servicios (Título 1, seguro de Medicaid, o SNAP/EBT) con la solicitud.

Scholarship Application (English)   Aplicación de Beca (Español)

Please email application to [email protected], [email protected] or mail or hand deliver to Aquatics Division: 1801 4th St NW Albuquerque NM, 87102.

How to Donate

In partnership with the One ABQ fund, we have set up an account called the Shanta Strong Swim Fund. Every donation to the Shanta Strong Swim Fund will provide swimming lesson scholarships for children living in the highland community as well as other children in need throughout the City of Albuquerque.

Please mail check donations to: One Albuquerque Fund, PO Box 25125, Albuquerque, NM 87125

Please indicate in the memo section of the check or send a note that says it is for the Shanta Strong Swim Fund

Donate Online

For donations online please type "for the Shanta Strong Swim Fund" in the "Specify donation" box.

About Shanta HanishOlympic Pool

Shanta Hanish was one of our young leaders that stood out from day one. You could tell by the way she always had a smile…that she was someone who cared…someone who loved…and someone who would do anything to help a friend. She also had a contagious passion for teaching. She fully understood that teaching someone to swim would provide them with not only an athletic skill but also skills that could save a life. Teaching swimming lessons sparked a passion in Shanta that led her to go to college to work toward a degree in education. During her freshman year in college, Shanta became a head lifeguard and shortly after was certified as a lifeguard instructor through the American Red Cross…reinforcing her passion for teaching. Considering all of this, the highland pool staff came up with an idea to help Shanta leave her legacy, spread her passion for teaching, and help promote learning in the water.