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Learn about the Esperanza Bicycle Safety Education Center's Earn-a-Bike Program.

This program is held at the West Mesa location.

Enroll in a Class

Register for classes on the first Monday of each month online or by phone. If the first Monday of the month is a federal holiday, registration will be on the first Tuesday of the month.


  • Call us at 505-224-6668 right at 10 am.
  • Keep calling until you speak to a person (pretend you're trying to win a radio contest).
    • Do not leave a voicemail! You will only be enrolled if you speak to a live person!
  • Select the West Mesa location when you call.
  • Each caller can enroll no more than 3 adults or 2 adults/3 youth.


Enroll for a class at the West Mesa location.

Class Information

Classes are every Monday from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. unless there is a holiday. Once the class is completed, the participant will earn one of our refurbished bicycles and a new helmet.