Neighborhood Toolbox
A Warning About Grant Writing
While the payoff can be worth it, it is important to go into the grant-writing process with realistic expectations.
An Introduction to the Grant Writing Toolkit Series
Neighborhood associations have the potential to benefit from grants as a source of funding.
Improving Your Perspective
Learn how to respond instead of react to a situation by trying to improve your perspective.
Moving from Debate to Dialogue
How can a leader shift the discussion climate from debate and argument to dialogue and learning?
Best Practices to Prevent Conflict
Conflict is a state of disagreement, opposition, contention, competition, or tension between individuals or groups of people.
An Introduction to the Conflict Resolution and Collaboration Series
It is important to begin by remembering that, if you are struggling with “people problems” in your neighborhood association, you are not alone.
Avoiding Internet Scams
Scammers are looking for an easy target, so it is important to remember that you have the power to not fall victim to these scams.
Resources for Senior Citizens in our Neighborhoods
Learn about resources for helping aging residents in Albuquerque.
The Difference Between Neighborhood Associations & Homeowners Associations
What makes a neighborhood association different than a homeowners association?
Tips for Recruiting Volunteers
Your neighborhood association depends on volunteers, but how do you get them involved?