The Difference Between Neighborhood Associations & Homeowners Associations
Neighborhood Associations

A Neighborhood Association is a voluntary organization of residents who work together to improve and maintain the quality of life in its neighborhood. Neighborhood Associations can form out of concern over a particular issue or as a means of enhancing a sense of community.
- Membership is open to all property owners, residents, and businesses in the neighborhood, but participation is voluntary; boundaries are established by the association.
- There is no legal authority to enact or enforce maintenance or design requirements beyond those established by City and/or County Ordinances.
Homeowners Associations

Homeowners Associations are formal legal entities created to maintain common areas and enforce private deed restrictions. Most condominium and townhouse developments and some newer single-family subdivisions have homeowners associations which are usually created when the development is built.
- Membership is mandatory for all property owners within the boundaries of the development.
- Members are usually charged mandatory dues.
- Homeowners associations have the legal authority to enact and enforce maintenance and design standards in addition to those established by City or County ordinance.