STATEMENT: Office of Equity and Inclusion and Mayor Keller on National Park Service Tasing Incident
“Like many of you, we have seen the disturbing video of the tasing at Petroglyph National Monument, an area policed by the National Park Service. We reached out to NPS directly, and understand that the events are under investigation -- one we expect to be thorough, transparent, and speedy.
"We are in the middle of a national conversation around policing precisely because of interactions like this one, a problem we launched the Albuquerque Community Safety Department to help solve.
"Through our Human Rights Board and Office of Civil Rights we’re already working with the Navajo Nation Human Rights Commission to address issues of shared concern, and through that relationship we stand ready to support the community and our partners in addressing the problems this incident has put a spotlight on.
“The City recognizes Native people’s right to practice their cultural beliefs as protected by the American Indian Religious Freedom Act and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and does not condone any interference with that right."