About Us
CABQ Emergency Management Mission
The Office of Emergency Management leads the community in coordination, integration, education, and planning for all activities necessary to build, sustain and improve the capabilities of mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery for major, all hazard emergency incidents and/or disasters and city-wide events within the City of Albuquerque.
From Across City Government
For operational planning, and when the EOC is activated, OEM includes staff from such City agencies as Police, Fire, Rescue, 311, and Environmental Health.
This staff can be supplemented as needed with staff from Traffic, Water Utilities, Streets, Animal Services, and financial specialists who may also participate in emergency procurement, and track expenses.
And From Outside City Government
In addition, staff and volunteers of the American Red Cross stand ready to coordinate shelter needs, Amateur Radio personnel provide additional communication capabilities, and the New Mexico National Guard, Kirtland Air Force Base, and Sandia National Laboratories stand ready to play key roles.
What is Emergency Management?
Emergencies begin and end locally, and CABQ Emergency Management fill that first line of response. Taking steps to reducing vulnerability to hazards, coping with disasters and liaising with other counties and the state are important aspects of these agency's day-to-day lives. Emergency managers work with other public safety partners as well as other organization within a community to: Prepare, Mitigate, Respond, Recover from an emergency.