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Storm Water Management

Information about the Storm Water Management office of the Engineering Division.

Pump Stations

The City currently owns 14 storm water pump stations located within the City limits. The pump stations are designed to pump storm water runoff from low-lying areas of the City to adjacent channels and storm drainage systems that eventually drain to the Rio Grande.

The city builds the stations, but the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority (ABCWUA) maintains and monitors the pump stations throughout the year, and more specifically during the months of May to September, or the region's monsoon season.

City-Owned Dams

The City currently owns and is responsible for the inspection and maintenance of eleven (11) dams within the City of Albuquerque, four of which are jurisdictional and under the preview of the Office of the State Engineer. The dams have been designed to protect the lives and property of the adjacent Albuquerque residents and businesses.

The Storm Water Management Section of the Engineering Division conducts routine inspections and maintenance activities on an annual basis. Any necessary maintenance needs are conducted by the Department of Municipal Developments Storm Drainage Maintenance group or outside contractors.

Dam Locations

  • Arroyo Del Oso  - Louisiana Blvd NE and Osuna Rd NE
  • Kirtland Basin - Louisiana Blvd SE and Gibson Blvd SE
  • North/South Coors Dam - Bridge Blvd SW and Coors Blvd SW
  • Tower/Sage Detention Basin Dam - 82nd St SW and Tower Rd SW
  • Amole Del Norte Dam - Central Ave NW and 98th St NW
  • Piedra Lisa Dam - Punta de Vista Dr NE and Menaul Blvd NE
  • Manzano Mesa Detention Pond - Stephen Moody St SE and La Entrada SE
  • Renaissance Detention Basin - Tokay Rd NE and El Ensueno Rd NE
  • Mariposa Pond - Taylor Ranch Rd NW and Kachina St NW
  • Menaul Detention Basin - Lamberton Pl NE and Broadbent Pkwy NE
  • Embudo Dam – Sandia Foothills – near 193 Embudo Trail and 365 Foothills Trail NE

Storm Water Quality Program

Protection of our river and improving our storm water quality is of paramount interest and a priority to the City of Albuquerque and the citizens that we serve. As a result the City has applied for and received from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) a Phase I Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit. It is through the MS4 permit that the City monitors the quality of the City’s storm water runoff to the Rio Grande.

Storm Water Quality Partnerships

Keep the Rio Grand

Scoop The Poop

The City has also partnered with local agencies within the Metropolitan area to provide information to the public through an effort known as the Middle Rio Grande Storm Water Quality Team or

It is through this collaborative effort that media campaigns are funded, educational programs are organized, and fliers are published.

Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Permit

Read about the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System.

Construction Sites Resources for the Construction General Permit