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Construction Services Division

The Construction Services Division consists of four sections providing a wide range of services.

Construction Coordination Section

The Construction Coordination Section of the Department of Municipal Development is responsible for coordinating most activities conducted in the public right-of-way, including issuance of barricade and excavation permits, inspection of all barricaded sites, approval of parades and other special events conducted in City Streets, and distribution of Traffic bulletins to the local news media outlets.


Construction Management Section

The Construction Management Section provides construction administration and inspection services for many, but not all, City-funded capital improvement program (CIP) projects and on-call construction work orders including State- and Federally-Funded CIP projects.

Survey Section

The Survey Section's primary responsibilities include:

Survey Section Homepage

AGRS Geodetic Control Datasheets

Maps, GIS, and Record Drawing

The primary functions of the Maps and Records Section is to maintain construction project records and map information in the City's Geographic Information System for infrastructure that is the responsibility of the Department of Municipal Development, such as storm drain lines, roads, traffic signals and some City facilities.  Most inquiries are received from consulting engineers and contractors. The section also receives inquiries from other City Departments and outside agencies.  For Record Drawings, please contact [email protected]

NOTE:  For WATER and SANITARY SEWER service lines please contact the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority (ABCWUA) Maps & Records at (505) 289-3242.