2023 Guidelines for Consultant and Contractor Prep of Contract DocsThis is the 2023 version of the contract documents. The first document is the Guidelines for Contract Documents. Please use this document when preparing the contract books sets before delivering them to the contractor for execution. The second document is a memo to give to the contractor with the electronic set to assist him in executing the documents. The third document is a checklist for your use after you have received the executed documents from the contractor. Place a check by each of the items to indicate its inclusion, and write in dates in the blanks where necessary. Please submit this document to the Contract Services Division of the Department of Municipal Development (DMD) along with the completed electronic set of Contract Documentshttps://www.cabq.gov/municipaldevelopment/documents/aug-2023_guidelines-for-consultant-and-contractor-re-prep-of-contract-docs-1.pdf/viewhttps://www.cabq.gov/++theme++cabq-2020-plone-5-theme/img/abq_logo_1024.png
This is the 2023 version of the contract documents. The first document is the Guidelines for Contract Documents. Please use this document when preparing the contract books sets before delivering them to the contractor for execution. The second document is a memo to give to the contractor with the electronic set to assist him in executing the documents. The third document is a checklist for your use after you have received the executed documents from the contractor. Place a check by each of the items to indicate its inclusion, and write in dates in the blanks where necessary. Please submit this document to the Contract Services Division of the Department of Municipal Development (DMD) along with the completed electronic set of Contract Documents
Project No: 6323.97Project Description: Professional On-Call construction project cost estimating services for the City of Albuquerque. Project cost estimating may be required on a broad conceptual level or with extreme detail. Additionally, City wide projects range from simple and straightforward projects to highly complex and complicated projects. The selected firm’s work may assist the City in deciding a project’s feasibility as well as the required budget for a project.https://www.cabq.gov/municipaldevelopment/documents/9-6-23-legal-ad_not-fed.pdf/viewhttps://www.cabq.gov/++theme++cabq-2020-plone-5-theme/img/abq_logo_1024.png
Project Description: Professional On-Call construction project cost estimating services for the City of Albuquerque. Project cost estimating may be required on a broad conceptual level or with extreme detail. Additionally, City wide projects range from simple and straightforward projects to highly complex and complicated projects. The selected firm’s work may assist the City in deciding a project’s feasibility as well as the required budget for a project.
9.11.23 GAATC AgendaAgenda for the Sept. 11, 2023, meeting of the Greater Albuquerque Active Transportation Committee.https://www.cabq.gov/municipaldevelopment/documents/september-2023-gaatc-agenda.pdf/viewhttps://www.cabq.gov/++theme++cabq-2020-plone-5-theme/img/abq_logo_1024.png
2023 Vision Zero Year in Review2023 Vision Zero Year in Review full PDF.https://www.cabq.gov/municipaldevelopment/documents/albuquerque-vision-zero-year-in-review-2023-_final.pdf/viewhttps://www.cabq.gov/@@site-logo/seal-small.png
City of Albuquerque MS4 Annual Report FY23MS4 Annual Report FY23 Draft 9.28.23 (no attachments)https://www.cabq.gov/municipaldevelopment/documents/ms4-annual-report-fy23-draft-9-28-23-no-attachments.pdf/viewhttps://www.cabq.gov/@@site-logo/seal-small.png
GAATC July 2023 MinutesMinutes from the July 2023 GAATC meetinghttps://www.cabq.gov/municipaldevelopment/documents/2023-07-10-july-meeting-minutes-approved-compiled.pdf/viewhttps://www.cabq.gov/@@site-logo/seal-small.png
GAATC September 2023 meeting notes SeptSeptember 2023 Meeting notes from the GAATChttps://www.cabq.gov/municipaldevelopment/documents/2023-09-11-gaatc-september-meeting-minutes-compiled-draft.pdf/viewhttps://www.cabq.gov/@@site-logo/seal-small.png
October 2023 GAATC AgendaAgenda for the October 2023 GAATC meetinghttps://www.cabq.gov/municipaldevelopment/documents/2023-10-16-gaatc-october-agenda.pdf/viewhttps://www.cabq.gov/++theme++cabq-2020-plone-5-theme/img/abq_logo_1024.png
September 11, 2023 Greater Albuquerque Active Transportation Committee Meeting MinutesThis PDF contains the approved meeting minutes for the September 11, 2023, Greater Albuquerque Active Transportation Committee meeting.https://www.cabq.gov/municipaldevelopment/documents/2023-09-11-gaatc-meeting-minutes-compiled-approved.pdf/viewhttps://www.cabq.gov/++theme++cabq-2020-plone-5-theme/img/abq_logo_1024.png
Approved 2024 Meeting Schedule For The Greater Albuquerque Active Transportation CommitteeThis file contains the approved 2024 meeting dates for the Greater Albuquerque Active Transportation Committee.https://www.cabq.gov/municipaldevelopment/documents/2024-gaatc-meeting-schedule.pdf/viewhttps://www.cabq.gov/++theme++cabq-2020-plone-5-theme/img/abq_logo_1024.png
2024 Capital Outlay Request NPO AgreementThe Non-profit application for capital outlay for 2024https://www.cabq.gov/municipaldevelopment/documents/2024-capital-outlay-request-npo-agreement-form.pdf/viewhttps://www.cabq.gov/++theme++cabq-2020-plone-5-theme/img/abq_logo_1024.png
November 13, 2023 Greater Albuquerque Active Transportation Committee Meeting AgendaThis is the meeting agenda for the Greater Albuquerque Active Transportation Committee, which will take place on Monday, November 13, 2023, from 4 - 6 p.m.https://www.cabq.gov/municipaldevelopment/documents/2023-11-13-gaatc-agenda.pdf/viewhttps://www.cabq.gov/++theme++cabq-2020-plone-5-theme/img/abq_logo_1024.png
This is the meeting agenda for the Greater Albuquerque Active Transportation Committee, which will take place on Monday, November 13, 2023, from 4 - 6 p.m.
Approved Meeting Minutes For The October 16, 2023 Greater Albuquerque Active Transportation Committee MeetingThis contains the approved meeting minutes for the October 16, 2023, Greater Albuquerque Active Transportation Committee meeting.https://www.cabq.gov/municipaldevelopment/documents/2023-10-24-gaatc-meeting-minutes-compiled-draft.pdf/viewhttps://www.cabq.gov/@@site-logo/seal-small.png
This link will take you to a site over which the City of Albuquerque has no control. The City assumes no responsibility for the content of the material contained at that site or for the accuracy of any information that is found there. The contents of any site or link not maintained by the City does not necessarily reflect the opinions, standards or policies of the City of Albuquerque, its officials, agents or employees.