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City Properties Available for Sale: Surplus and Future Homes

Learn more about City-owned surplus properties and Future Homes currently for sale.

Buying From The CityImage of a generic red and white for sale sign.

The City of Albuquerque owns tracts of land and/or buildings that are sometimes no longer needed to satisfy a public purpose. These types of properties are known as "surplus properties." Once the Real Property Division identifies a potential surplus property, it seeks to have it declared not-essential by the City Council. Not-essential properties are then marketed for sale in accordance with City Ordinance and are sold through a bidding process.

Bidding details are listed in each property packet, posted in PDF format, in the list below. Click on the address to view the property packet.

Surplus Property List

Please check back for the most current information, as supplemental documentation may be added. If an RFP is closed, but you still have interest in a property for sale, please contact: Real Property Agent Gary Boyd at 505-924-3492, or

Future Homes - ABQ

Below are a list of properties owned by the City of Albuquerque that the City believes may be great locations for Affordable Housing.

The City of Albuquerque Real Property Division has identified a number of properties that could benefit the community by being developed as future Affordable Housing locations. 

Please be advised that the determination of whether a site is ultimately suitable is the responsibility of the developer.

Please review the City of Albuquerque Integrated Development Ordinance.

City of Albuquerque Properties for Sale

City of Albuquerque Tradelands Properties for Sale


Contact Us

For questions or more details on the Real Property Division's surplus property sales, call us at 505-924-3492 or 505-924-3487.