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Mayor Keller Joins Local Leaders to Kick-Off Hispanic Heritage Month

Hispanic Heritage Month runs until October 15.
September 06, 2019

This morning, Mayor Tim Keller joined over 50 local, state and national Hispanic organizations and leaders to kick-off Hispanic Heritage Month. This year marks the 12th year to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month and the theme is “Hispanic Americans: A History of Serving Our Nation.”

“For the 12th year in a row we are coming together as One Albuquerque to celebrate the contributions of the Hispanic community—but those contributions go back much, much farther than that. Hispanics helped build Albuquerque’s past and present, and they are central to our community’s future,” said Mayor Keller. He added, “We are proud of Hispanic leaders in government, education, community organizations, and the private sector, and through our office of Equity and Inclusion, Economic Development Department, Family and Community Services, Cultural Services, and more, we are investing in the future success of our Hispanic residents, because together we can build a stronger Albuquerque.”

The 50+ organizations have formed an alliance under the Hispanic Heritage Committee to promote the cultural, educational, and entertainment events and activities taking place from September 15 through October 15 to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month as well as to recognize, honor and provide education about the many contributions Hispanics have made to our community and the nation. A calendar of events can be found at http://www.ahcnm.orgExternal Link Disclaimer and