Human Trafficking Training and Resources
The National Human Trafficking Hotline
The National Human Trafficking Hotline connects victims and survivors of sex and labor trafficking with services and supports to get help and stay safe. The Trafficking Hotline also receives tips about potential situations of sex and labor trafficking and facilitates reporting that information to the appropriate authorities in certain cases.
Call 888-373-7888 or Text BE FREE (233-733)
The New Mexico Department of Justice Human Trafficking Website
The New Mexico Department of Justice website has many resources to identify and report Human Trafficking in the State of New Mexico.
Training Opportunities
City Employees
Online Human Trafficking Awareness training for all City Employees offered through the Employee Learning Center.
Law Enforcement and First Responders
Online Human Trafficking training for all first responders at the City of Albuquerque offered through Albuquerque Fire and Rescue. AFR employees will complete this in their internal training portal.
Aviation Employees
Required TSA and FAA online training for City Employees offered through the City of Albuquerque Aviation Department.