30 Day Comment Period Underway for the 2024 Draft Action Plan
The Action Plan serves as the COA’s grant application to HUD. This document includes specific activities to be undertaken with Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) funds, Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds from HUD and other local funds in furtherance of the Consolidated Plan strategies during Program Year 2024, July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025. Estimated funding from HUD includes $4,278,318.00 of CDBG funding; $21,000.00 of CDBG program income; $500,000.00 of CDBG prior year’s funding; $2,302,248.00 of HOME funding; $100,000.00 of HOME program income; $552,093.00 of prior year(s) HOME funding; $575,462.00 of HOME Match; $382,105.00 of ESG funding; and $382,105 of ESG Match. The Action Plan will also include $1,351,656.00 in General Funds (GF) and $7,500,000.00 in Workforce Housing Trust Funds (WHTF).
Read the Full Draft Action Plan and see the Presentation from the public hearing
The Draft 2024 Action Plan includes proposed funding for the following projects:
COA Administration- Funding: CDBG $855,663.60, HOME $230,224.80 Funds will be used for administrative costs to support the implementation of the COA’s 2024 Action Plan.
CHDO Operating – Funding: HOME $50,000.00 Funds will be provided to Greater Albuquerque Housing Partnerships, a Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO), to assist with operating costs incurred implementing housing activities.
Homeless Intervention and Rapid Rehousing- Funding: ESG $382,105.00, ESG Match $382,105.00, GF $1,179,256.00 Projects under this category will provide services to populations experiencing homelessness by providing street outreach, emergency shelter services and rapid rehousing opportunities. Funds will also be used for administrative costs to support the implementation of these services for the 2024 Action Plan.
Affordable Homeownership Assistance – Funding: CDBG $1,179,000.00, CDBG Program Income $21,000.00, HOME Program Income $100,000.00 Funds will be provided to Homewise and Sawmill Community Land Trust to assist low to moderate income homebuyers purchase an affordable home.
Affordable Housing Preservation - Funding: CDBG $1,000,000.00 Funds will be provided to the Albuquerque Housing Authority (AHA) for the preservation of existing public housing properties. The funding will allow AHA to upgrade and improve public housing properties, which include but not be limited to roof replacements, electrical upgrades, exterior and interior improvements to aging public housing units.
TBRA- Funding: HOME $411,372.55, HOME Match $125,000.00 Funds will be provided to Enlace for a Tenant Based Rental Assistance Project. Specific high priority populations will be served with these funds.
Dental Services - Funding: CDBG $229,760.00, GF $67,400.00 These funds will be used by Albuquerque Healthcare for the Homeless to provide a full range of dental services to medically indigent, low- and moderate-income persons in the City who are experiencing homelessness.
Senior Meals - Funding: CDBG $119,300.00 The Department of Senior Affairs will receive funds to support program costs to provide congregate meals to low-income seniors.
Early Childhood Services - Funding: CDBG $35,838.00 Cuidando Los Ninos will receive funds to provide child development services, as well as case management to homeless children and their families.
Eviction Prevention – Funding: CDBG $200,000.00 Funds will be provided to the City’s Health and Social Services Centers to provide emergency rental and utility assistance for low to moderate income persons residing within the Albuquerque city limits.
Deposit Assistance – Funding: CDBG $50,000.00 Funds will be provided to the City’s Health and Social Services Centers to provide rental and/or utility deposit assistance for low to moderate income persons moving into a new unit within the Albuquerque City limits.
Tenant/Landlord Hotline - Funding: GF $95,000.00 Funds will be provided to Legal Aid of New Mexico to provide services for a landlord tenant hotline that will support landlords and tenants with housing related legal issues.
Fair Housing Education/Training – Funding: GF $10,000.00 The City will administer activities that provide fair housing education and training to housing service providers and members of the public.
Infrastructure – Funding: CDBG $608,756.40 Funds will be used for infrastructure improvements to support the development of affordable housing projects.
Public Facilities – Funding: Prior Years CDBG $500,000.00 Funds will also be used for the purchase of emergency vehicles and/or equipment for Albuquerque Fire Rescue and/or Albuquerque Police Department that provide services to residents in low-moderate income areas of Albuquerque.
Affordable Housing Development – Rental – Funding: HOME $1,610,650.65, HOME Prior Years $552,093.00, HOME Match $450,462.00, WHTF $7,500,000.00 Projects funded under this category will be provided assistance to develop affordable housing units for low- and moderate-income households, either through development or acquisition and rehabilitation.
All residents, property owners, persons with disabilities, immigrants, seniors, low-income persons, children and youth, homeless persons, and other stakeholders in Albuquerque are invited to review the draft plan and comment on it in writing until 5:00 PM on Thursday, February 22, 2024. Comments may be submitted to: [email protected] or Dept. of Health, Housing and Homelessness, Community Development Division, Attn: Monica Montoya, P.O. Box 1293, Albuquerque, NM 87103. After receipt of public comments from the 30-day public comment period, the COA will address each comment in writing and will submit all comments and responses in its formal application for funding to HUD on May 17, 2024 or at a later date as directed by HUD. Final funding levels for projects included in the Action Plan that is submitted to HUD may differ from the proposed funding listed above, which are based on estimates of the 2023 grant amounts awarded by HUD. Increases or decreases in funding will be allocated based upon need of listed projects. Any remaining balance will be proportionally distributed amongst projects. The draft Action Plan, as well as the final submission to HUD, will be posted on the Consolidated Plans and Amendments page.