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Learn about the Balanced Resource Acquisition and Information Network (BRAIN)

Balanced Resource Acquisition and Information Network (B.R.A.I.N.)

BRAIN Preview

State of New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department Grid Modernization Grant: City of Albuquerque – Balanced Resource Acquisition and Information Network (BRAIN)


To meet our 100% renewable energy usage goals and effectively interact with the modern grid, the City of Albuquerque’s Energy and Sustainability Management Division (ESMD) Energy Command Center (ECC) will establish a data repository and computer-based analytics platform that enables real time interaction with our current and historical utility and building performance related data streams. This data resource will be named the Balanced Resource Acquisition and Information Network (BRAIN).

BRAIN will enable real time visibility, flexibility and responsiveness with the City of Albuquerque’s existing and future energy storage, generation and building controls resources to benefit the public, the City’s critical systems and infrastructure, the State of New Mexico, PNM and in collaboration with Smart Cities Connect.