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Firework Ordinance & Safety

Fireworks are strictly prohibited in and around the Bosque or Open Space Areas.

Report Illegal Fireworks

Using fireworks, both legal and illegal, can be extremely dangerous to yourself and others by not following safe practices. Be mindful of your surroundings and obey all laws pertaining to the use of fireworks where you live. Please be considerate of your neighbors (citizens with PTSD, elderly, young children) and pets as loud noises can be traumatizing and disruptive.

Prohibited Fireworks

City of Albuquerque Ordinance prohibits the sale and use of all Aerial Fireworks and Ground Audible Devices within the city limits.

  • Using illegal fireworks is punishable with a citation and immediate confiscation of the illegal fireworks and places the community at risk for fires. Addresses that have been identified as using illegal fireworks will be issued a CEASE AND DESIST ORDER by mail. 
  • It is a misdemeanor
  • A mandatory court appearance
  • A fine up to $500 and 90 days in jail
  • The improper use of permissible fireworks and/or the illegal use of aerial or ground audible devices can result in the user or supervising adult being found grossly negligent and financially responsible for damages.


Aerial Devices

  • Aerial Spinners
  • Helicopters
  • Mines
  • Missile-type Rockets
  • Roman Candles
  • Shells
  • Stick Type Rockets

Ground Audible Devices

  • Chasers (bottle rockets)
  • Firecrackers

Once ignited, aerial and ground audible devices take an unpredictable flight path and pose a significant fire hazard to structures and vegetation. They also possess a significant injury potential to the user and innocent bystanders. These devices are also disturbing to public peace.

Permissible Fireworks

If you buy fireworks from retail stores and stands within city limits, the fireworks are legal. Read the Warning Label. If it reads "WARNING," it is illegal. If it reads "CAUTION," it is legal.

The following fireworks are safe and legal:

  • Ground and hand held sparkling devices
  • Cone Fountains
  • Crackling Devices
  • Cylindrical Fountains
  • Flitter Sparklers
  • Ground Spinners
  • Illuminating Torches
  • Wheels

The Safe Use of Fireworks

  • Fireworks should not be used on "Red Flag Warning" days, as these days indicate extreme risk for fires. To keep current, visit
  • What and where to buy - Always buy fireworks from a local vendor to ensure what you purchase is safe and legal for use within the city limits.
  • Fireworks should only be used on paved or barren areas - Away from homes, vegetation and combustible materials. 
  • Fireworks of any kind are not allowed to be discharged in the Bosque, open space areas or city parks.
  • Have a water source available to put out any unintended fires such as a charged garden hose or two 5 gallon buckets.
  • Supervision - Always have an adult present and never allow children to use fireworks to avoid injuries and improper use.
  • Follow directions - Always read and follow directions carefully.
  • Disposal - Dispose of used fireworks in a bucket of water. Make sure they are completely cool to the touch before throwing them in the garbage can.
  • Emergencies - If there is a fire, leave the area immediately and call 911.

Do not attempt to make your own fireworks as they can lead to dangerous and unpredictable explosions and result in severe injuries.

Fireworks: Risks & Statistics

If you do not handle fireworks properly, you risk serious injuries and damages.

  • Deaths and Injuries Nationwide – In 2018 there were 5 deaths and over 9,000 injuries, and in 2017 there were 8 deaths and over 12,900 injuries
  • For children under 5 years of age, sparklers accounted for more than half of the total estimated injuries.
  • NFPA report shows more than 16,000 reported fires are started by fireworks annually
  • On the 4th of July, 2019 Albuquerque Fire Rescue had 52 calls for outside fires during the night alone
  • Albuquerque has unique wildland urban interface open space areas that are in constant threat of fires. These fires would endanger the lives of those who live nearby and many species of wildlife. These areas include the Westside Open Space area, Foothills and the Bosque.
  • Fireworks can be associated with blindness, third degree burns, and permanent scarring.
  • Fireworks can also cause life-threatening residential, motor vehicle, and wildland fires which can result in the user or supervising adult being found grossly negligent and financially responsible for damages.

Fireworks Patrol

Two weeks ahead of the 4th of July holiday, Albuquerque Fire Rescue will begin patrolling throughout the city and open space areas. These patrols help ensure the safety of our community by preventing the sales and use of illegal fireworks within city limits.


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