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Donate Items for "Seats & Feets"

City Crossing Guards collect underwear and socks for Locker #505 Students Clothing Bank
May 15, 2024

The City of Albuquerque’s Crossing Guards build close relationships with the children and families they serve at elementary school crossings across the metro. While supporting our community day in and day out, Crossing Guards have witnessed first-hand the need that many families have for clothing or food. Now, before school lets out for the summer, Crossing Guards will be collecting new packs of socks and underwear at the crossings of 40 different elementary schools. Historically, undergarments are the most needed items at shelters or clothing banks, and are not often donated. This clothing drive wants to focus on those items that cover the “Seats & Feets” in all sizes for Albuquerque families.

Locker #505 Student Clothing Bank is a nonprofit organization that has established a student-focused facility where children can try on and choose outfits that they feel good about wearing. Students can shop for clothing and not have to worry about the price tags at check out.  Having appropriate school clothing allows children to concentrate on their schoolwork, not their clothing.  It also helps keep children, who might not go to class because of their clothes, stay in school. The collaboration of Locker #505 and City Crossing Guards comes as a natural partnership to help Albuquerque families.

“Our guards see over 1,000 children daily while the schools are in session,” said Crossing Guard Division Manager Richard Deichsel. “They learn about the children and families who need resources for proper clothing during the changing seasons, and this clothing drive allows us to directly give back and help.”

The “Seats & Feets” Clothing Drive will begin on Monday May 13 and end on Tuesday May 21. There will be about 40 baskets at various schools throughout the city.  Donations can also be dropped off at the Crossing Guard Office (604 Menaul Blvd. NW 87107) at the CABQ Records Complex. For more information visit