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City and County to Launch New Housing Collaborative

Resolution proposes partnership and joint housing authority to create more affordable housing

February 6, 2023

Tonight, the Albuquerque City Council with support from Mayor Tim Keller will introduce a resolution (R-23-106) to partner on building more affordable housing and explore the formation of a joint Albuquerque-Bernalillo County housing authority. The Middle Rio Grande Housing Collaborative would combine City and County efforts to create more housing and meet the urgent need in central New Mexico. City and County leaders are proposing a shared $1 million appropriation to get the collaborative off the ground. Albuquerque and Bernalillo County have also requested $50 million from the state to address the housing crisis, which would fund the joint housing work between the two governments.

“From seniors to students to the unhoused, the housing crisis is affecting too many Burqueños,” said Mayor Tim Keller. “By working together with the County and local partners, we can maximize our housing efforts and address the real challenges folks are facing when finding a safe affordable place to call home.”

“The City and County will continue to work together to confront the growing housing challenges in our community, and the formation of the Middle Rio Grande Housing Collaborative is a bold step to address the housing shortage for thousands of city and county residents,” said Bernalillo County Commission Chair Barbara Baca. 

R-23-106 is part of the City’s Housing Forward initiative and is sponsored by Councilors Isaac Benton, Pat Davis, and Trudy E. Jones. The County will introduce a companion resolution on Tuesday, sponsored by Commissioners Barbara Baca and Eric Olivas.