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Noise Permits

Noise permits are available to allow temporary sound above the usual limits but still within reason for events having amplified sound, such as DJ’s, microphones, live bands, etc.

How to Obtain a Permit

Applications for a noise permit, construction noise permits, and payments for noise fines are accepted online through ABQ-PLAN.

Submit an application or pay a fine.

Environmental Health Department will review applications and if approved, the permit will be sent to the email address provided the following business day. If denied, you will be notified via email as to the reasons.

All noise permits are free of charge.

Noise permits are also subject to review or revocation by the Albuquerque Police Department or the EHD. A noise permit can be suspended without notice at any time if the sound is too loud, or if there are a large number of complaints. Future noise permits may be denied if a location or individual receives substantial complaints.

Noise permits will not be issued for recurring events such as band practice or businesses that have music regularly like a nightclub or bar.

Permits submitted by 4 pm will be processed the following business day.

Any questions regarding the application or permit process should be directed to the EHD office at 505-768-4234.

Register for ABQ-PLAN

Each applicant needs to register using a unique email address. To access existing permits, you must register using the email address you have on file with our department.

Each applicant should create an account in ABQ-PLAN. Use the ABQ-PLAN User Guide to help you through the registration process and to submit a permit.

Always say YES when prompted for help!

How to File a Noise Complaint

To report a noise complaint during business hours, please call 311.

For after-hours complaints (after 5 p.m. on weekdays, during weekends, and holidays) or complaints requiring immediate assistance, please call the Albuquerque Police Department non-emergency phone number, (505) 242-COPS (2677).

When filing a complaint, please include:

  1. description of the noise;
  2. your contact information;
  3. the location of the source of your complaint;
  4. time, date, and duration of the complaint; and
  5. any additional information that will assist the Environmental Health Department or the Albuquerque Police Department in addressing the issue.

It is not required that noise investigations and sound measurements be taken at the exact time of a noise complaint. In most cases, the Environmental Health Department can evaluate the noise complaint during regular business hours.