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Small Business Regulatory Advisory Commission (SBRAC)


Frankie Hermosillo, Sr. Economic Developer
[email protected]
(505) 991-6474


View membership on this board.

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About the Commission

The Small Business Regulatory Advisory Commission (SBRAC) represents the voice of the small business community in Albuquerque.

SBRAC is a volunteer board of seven members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council. SBRAC reviews policy and regulations as well as provides recommendations in order to maintain a vibrant and growing small business sector and minimize costs and burdens on small business.

The Commission meets via Zoom on the first Tuesday of every month from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

SBRAC commission members serve three year terms, not to exceed more than three consecutive terms.


  • Solicit comments from the small business community relating to existing or proposed rules and legislation of the City that adversely impacts the formation, operation or expansion of a small business.
  • Notify associations or owners and officers of business that are likely to be affected by proposed rules and legislation that may have an adverse effect on small businesses and advise them that they may submit data or position papers to the Commission or its designee as to how the proposed rule or legislation will adversely affect them.
  • Prior to adoption of proposed rules or legislation that the Commission determines might have an adverse effect on small business the Commission shall prepare small business impact statements and present to the governing body or appropriate department.
  • Conduct ongoing reviews of existing City rules that effect small business to determine if the rules negatively affect small business.
  • Provide quarterly reports to the Mayor and City Council with recommendations concerning rules that should be amended to minimize adverse impact on small business.

Meeting Information

The Next Small Business Regulatory Advisory Commission Special Session meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 25, 2025. The regularly scheduled Small Business Regulatory Advisory Commission meeting will be held Tuesday, April 8, 2025. 

View Agendas Minutes & Notices