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Arts Board

The Arts Board consists of nine members that represent each of the nine City Council Districts and two at-large members.

Arts Board

The central objective of the Board is "to promote and encourage private and public programs to further the development and public awareness of, and interest in, the visual arts and fine crafts and cultural properties."

As mandated by the Art in Municipal Places Ordinance, members include persons widely known for their professional competence and experience in the visual arts, and knowledgeable lay persons. Each member serves a staggered three year term.

The central responsibility of each member is to serve as Board liaison to Artwork Planning Committees. The full Board makes selection recommendations to the Mayor.

Meeting Information

Meeting dates and rooms are announced publicly, two weeks in advance of each meeting.

Dates & Time: The Arts Board meets every third Wednesday of the month at 4 p.m. in This schedule is subject to change.

Location: Room 7002, DMD Conference room, 7th floor of City Hall or via Zoom

Agendas will be posted at least 72 hours before the meeting.


Open Meetings Resolution

The Albuquerque Arts Board follows the State of New Mexico Open Meetings Act which is approved annually. 2024 Open Meetings Resolution-Arts Board


Arts Board Documents

All Albuquerque Arts Board documents, including agendas, minutes, resolutions, and other related materials, are available through the OnBase database.

Follow the steps below to access the documents:

1. Click the Link Below: Use the link provided below to access the OnBase database.

2. Search Board or Commission Name: Type "Arts Board" into the Board or Commission name field.

3. Search for Documents: Use the search bar or filters to locate specific Arts Board documents. 

  • You can search by keywords, document type, or meeting date.

4. View or Download: Click on the document title to view it directly in the browser.

  • Use the download option to save a copy.

View Upcoming and Historical Meeting Documents


Board Members


District 1

Cara Gordon Potter

District 2 Chair
Term Expires July 31, 2025

Cara represents District 2. Cara is a small business owner and supporter of the arts. She has a BA from Vassar College with a major in Art History. She was a Fellow at the Whitney Museum and interned at the Metropolitan Museum. She holds an MBA and continues to support small businesses as a Board member of WESST.


District 3

Woody Duncan

District 4
Term Expires July 31, 2024

Woody represents District 4. He is a past president of the New Mexico Watercolor Society, currently serves as the national president for the Retired Art Educators and continually serves as a docent at the Albuquerque Art Museum. Woody also serves on the boards of both Master Works of New Mexico and Art in the Schools.


District 5


District 6

Caleb Ferganchick

District 7 Vice-Chair
Term Expires July 31, 2027

Caleb represents District 7. Caleb Ferganchick is a queer slam poet, community organizer, and the author of The Secret of Sunflowers (2021) and Poetry Heels (2018). His work has been featured and published by the Western Colorado Writer's Forum, South Broadway Ghost Society, "Slam Ur Ex ((the podcast))," the Colorado Mesa University Literary Review, and displayed in various art shows. He was the 2021 Artist in Residence for Mesa County Public Libraries. He organized the annual Slamming Bricks poetry slam competition in Grand Junction, CO in honor of the 1969 Stonewall Riots (2019-2023) for which he received a Rockstar Spotlight award from the Colorado Office of Suicide Prevention. Caleb has served on various non-profit boards and is an avid believer in the art's ability to foster intersectional community and its use as a healing modality. He now lives and performs in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Charlotte Schoenmann

District 8
Term Expires July 31, 2024

Charlotte represents District 8. She is passionate about art, both visual and performance. She worked for 15 years at the J. Paul Getty Trust in Los Angeles where she was a project manager for the construction for the Getty Arts Center. She has been a board member and or volunteer of several organizations throughout Albuquerque including: St. Chads Foundation, Sunset Mesa Schools, Albuquerque Little Theater and the New Mexico Museum of Natural History Foundation.

Dorothy Stermer

District 9
Term Expires July 31, 2023

Dorothy represents District 9. She is a proud native of New Mexico and attended the University of New Mexico where she received her Bachelor and Masters of Science degrees in 1988 and 1989 in Chemical Engineering. Dorothy grew up in a family of artist, and has a rich understanding of the dual needs of the artists to express their creativity and to run a business. She appreciates artists' contributions to the public and know they are the heart and soul of the community-at large.

Dr. Bernadine M. Hernandez

Term Expires July 31, 2025

Bernadine is an associate professor in the Department of English at the University of New Mexico. She specializes in transnational feminism and sexual economies of the US-Mexico borderlands, along with American Literary Studies and Empire, border and mitigation history, and Chicana/Latina Literature and Sexualities. Her book with UNC press is titled Border Bodies: Racialized Sexuality, Sexual Capital, and Violence in the Nineteenth Century Borderlands and is the first book length study that focuses on sexual capital and gender and sexual violence in the borderlands in the nineteenth and early twentieth-centuries through recovered archival work.

