Albuquerque Museum Staff Listing
Albuquerque Museum Staff and Contact Information
Museum staff cannot provide appraisals of nor authenticate art and artifacts.
Phone: 505-243-7255
Emails sent to [email protected] will be forwarded to the appropriate staff.
Museum Director | Andrew Connors |
Assistant Director | Bibi Baloyra |
Head Curator / Curator of Art | open |
Curator of History | Alicia Romero |
Curator of Digital Collections | Jill Hartke |
Curator of Collections | Ellen Castrone |
Curator of Education | Elizabeth Becker |
Assistant Curator of Art | William Gassaway |
Assistant Curator of History | open |
Museum Exhibit Designer | Stephen Hutchins |
Registrar | Meara Christopher |
Museum Engagement Coordinator | Diana Delgado |
Art & History Curatorial Assistant | Magaly Jiménez Baca |
Education Assistant | Jody Vanesky |
Graphic Artist | Jennifer Montaño |
Preparator | open |
Preparator | Keith Lee |
Exhibit Fabricator | Jose Mejia |
Exhibit Fabricator | Sherwin Ghahate |
Operations & Events Supervisor | Patrick Martin |
Maintenance Supervisor | Corinne Toczylowski |
Building Maintenance Supervisor | David Perez |
Accountant II | Quynh Nguyen |
Sr Administrative Assistant | Mila Romero |
Administrative Supervisor | Erika Woods |
Head Cashier | Nassrin Christian |
Position | Name |
Site Manager | Aaron Gardner |
Position | Name |
President/CEO | John Martinez |