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File an Appeal with the CPOA

1) Appeals must be submitted to the CPOA Office within 30 days of receiving your Findings Letter from the CPOA.

2) Send your request to P.O. Box 1293, Albuquerque, NM 87103 or by email [email protected] and include your CPC number. If your appeal request is filed timely you will be notified of when your appeal will be scheduled and more information will follow. The appeal hearings will proceed as specified in the Oversight Ordinance 9-4-1-10.

3) In order for the Advisory Board to modify the Director's findings your appeal must demonstrate one or more of the following:

     a) A policy was misapplied in the evaluation of the complaint;

     b)  That the findings or recommendations were arbitrary, capricious or constituted an abuse of discretion; or

     c) that the findings and recommendations were not consistent with the record evidence.

4) Administratively closed complaints may be re-opened if additional information becomes available. Please provide your additional information in writing to the CPOA Director as listed above.