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June 22, 2022, City Council Meeting Will Be Virtual on Zoom

Changes to upcoming meetings also include cancellation of June 15 LUPZ Committee Meeting.

June 15, 2022

The Land Use, Planning and Zoning Committee Meeting scheduled for tonight June 15, has been canceled. Also, next week’s Albuquerque City Council Meeting on Wednesday, June 22, 2022, at 5:00 PM will be held on Zoom Webinar. Due to a rise of COVID positive cases in our community, including City employees, the City Council President Isaac Benton has moved the June 22 City Council Meeting to a virtual platform on Zoom.

Recent City Council Meetings have been a hybrid format, held in the Vincent E. Griego Chambers with the option of virtual participation. For next week’s meeting, the City Council will return to an all-virtual meeting format that was used for the duration of the COVID-19 public health emergency. The meeting format will be reassessed when the Council returns from its July break in August.

The agenda for the meeting will be posted on the City Council website on Friday, June 17 at The Council will take virtual general public comment and comment on the meeting’s specific agenda items via Zoom. The public comment sign-up form will be posted to City Council website on Friday afternoon with the meeting agenda.

Members of the public will have the ability to view the meeting through Zoom Webinar, GOVTV on Comcast Channel 16 or to stream live on the GOVTV website at, or on YouTube at The GOVTV live stream can be accessed at these addresses from most smartphones, tablets, or computers.