Independent Monitor's Second Report
Executive Summary
The Albuquerque Police Department has entered into one of the most complex, far-reaching, and difficult processes known to American policing: a process of organizational development and planned change that, before it is complete, will affect the very core of the agency, changing the way APD functions, plans and thinks.
This is the second of at least nine monitor's reports. Under the Court-Approved Settlement Agreement (CASA), the monitor is to issue public reports on the City's progress over the next three years, by which point the City aims to have reached substantial and sustained compliance with all provisions of the CASA. This report covers the time period June 1, 2015 through November 30, 2015.
As this report discusses in detail, great challenges lie ahead for the Albuquerque Police Department and the City of Albuquerque, but there are many indications of APD's and the City's strong commitment to this effort. This executive summary provides an overview of what the monitoring team has observed so far in these very early stages, a more in-depth discussion of which can be found in the body of the report. The summary then provides an explanation of where we are in the process, given some modifications that the City and the Department of Justice recently requested the Court to make to deadlines in the CASA. Finally, the summary explains more about how this report is organized and where the reader can find more information about specific components of the CASA.