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Public Comments

Information and links to provide public comments for Albuquerque City Council Meetings.

Signing Up for Meetings of the City Council

Any person planning to attend a regular or Committee meeting of the City Council may sign up to speak under General Public Comment, plus up to two additional agenda items.  General Public Comments are only available for regular City Council Meetings, not Committee Meetings. Sign-ups must be submitted before 4:00 PM on the day of a City Council Meeting or 3:30 PM on the day of a Committee Meeting. After completing the sign-up webform and clicking “Submit,” a confirmation page will load and confirm the “Message Sent,” and you will receive a confirmation email at the email address you provided.

The public comment sign up webforms go live when the meeting’s agenda is published on the Friday afternoon before the scheduled meeting.

Persons who cannot access the website may sign up in person at the City Council Offices or by telephone at 505-768-3100 so long as the sign up is completed before the cutoff.

Persons needing assistance with language interpretation services, please contact Chris Sylvan at [email protected]  or call (505) 768-3105.

Council Rules related to Public Comments:

  • There will be absolutely no signs, props, posters or banners allowed in the Chambers, other than that which can be displayed on the overhead during presentations (no sheets larger than 8 ½” x 11”). Such material shall not be held or waived in a manner that blocks the view of others or creates a distraction from the speaker or the business at hand.
  • Items displayed on the overhead projector must be removed from the projector at the end of that person’s public comment.
  • Only the individual whom the Council President has called on to provide public comment may stand at the podium. Multiple persons will not be permitted to stand behind the presenter. The only exception will be for those who need a translator or reasonable accommodations to provide public comment.
  • The time limit for public comment will be strictly enforced. Public comment must be directed to the Council through the Council President, not at staff or members of the audience.
  • There will be no tolerance for disruptive public outbursts including applause/snapping.
  • The handicapped landing area to the right side of the dais must be kept clear at all times. Those desiring to record the meeting will be directed to the landing area on the left side of the dais.
  • The fire marshal will strictly enforce ingress and egress rules so as to ensure public safety.

The Council President/Chairperson will provide one warning to anyone causing a disruption.  Upon the second or continued disruption, that individual will be asked to leave the Chambers and, if necessary, security will be asked to escort that person out of the Chambers. Such removal from the Council Chambers will be effective for the remainder of the meeting. If continued disruptions occur, I may recess the meeting until order is restored, and, if necessary, may clear the Chambers of persons participating in the disturbance.

Upcoming Meetings

Please check again on Friday afternoon.