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City Councilor Renée Grout introduces Resolution to Improve Social Media Accountability

Resolution seeks to establish standards and guidelines for City-run social communications
September 13, 2024

City of Albuqueruqe City Council Seal with Legal binders

Albuquerque, NMDistrict 9 City Councilor Renée Grout introduced resolution R-24-89 today aimed at improving the use of official City social media accounts. The resolution directs the City Administration to develop a comprehensive social media policy that outlines clear guidelines for appropriate use, accountability, and consequences for misuse.

"The City needs its social media policy to reflect that, as City officials, we are in the customer service business," said District 9 City Councilor Renée Grout. "Anything posted on a City social media account should be true, helpful, and respectful."

The resolution emphasizes the role of City government is to promote the public’s health, safety and growth. It directs the City Administration to create, implement, and enforce a comprehensive social media policy to be applied to all City public media accounts that includes:

  • Behavioral expectations: Establishing clear guidelines for respectful and professional online conduct.
  • Content specifications: Defining appropriate and inappropriate content for City social media accounts.
  • Response guidelines: Providing guidance on how to respond to comments and messages, including those that may be negative or inflammatory.
  • Monitoring and review: Implementing a system for regularly monitoring and reviewing social media accounts for compliance.
  • Disciplinary actions: Outlining consequences for misuse of official social media accounts.

The resolution also requires the City Administration to make the social media policy easily accessible to the public and to establish a mechanism for reporting potential violations.
