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Council President Dan Lewis, Councilor Louie Sanchez, City Leaders, and District 5 Residents Break Ground on First Multigenerational Center in Northwest Albuquerque

Construction of the multipurpose facility is the first phase planned for new Cibola Loop amenities.
May 24, 2024

District 5 Councilor and Council President Dan Lewis joins Mayor Tim Keller, District 1 Councilor Louie Sanchez and City leaders raise shovels full of dirt at the ground breaking for the NW Cibola Loop Multigenerational Center on May 21, 2024


ALBUQUERQUE – City Council President and District 5 Councilor Dan Lewis, Mayor Tim Keller, and City officials gathered on Tuesday afternoon to break ground on the Westside's first multigenerational center. As the first building in the planned four-phase Cibola Loop project, the new Northwest Multigenerational Center (MGC) will be the fourth one built in Albuquerque and will sit at the intersection of Cuba Road and Cibola Loop. In 2016, President Lewis led the City to purchase 9 acres of vacant land adjacent to the Northwest Area Command.

Architectural rendering of the plan for the new Cibola Loop Multi-generational CenterArtist's rendering of the front entrance to the planned Cibola Loop Multi-generational Center

"Soon families and residents of all ages in District 5 and on the Westside will have access to amenities closer to their homes," said Council President Lewis. "This Center will offer support for seniors, learning and fun activities for children, and a healthy place for families to recreate together."

The Northwest MGC will include a fitness center with a climbing gym, gymnasium with an elevated indoor running track, a social hall, and a variety of multi-use and classroom spaces. Future phases will feature Albuquerque’s next library and regional pool complex.  The project site plan is designed to take advantage of the sloping west to east landscape and will feature maximum views of the Sandia and Manzano Mountains to the east. The Albuquerque Department of Municipal Development is managing the project.

Architectural rendering of the first floor of the planned Cibola Loop Multi-generational Center

Site construction is set to start in June 2024. Building construction is expected to start this summer in time to open in 2025.