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The City Council members participate in a variety of committees.

Council Committee Schedules

Standing Committees

Committee-of-the-Whole Budget

The Committee-of-the-Whole, which consists of all nine Councilors acting as a Committee, considers the budget and the capital improvements program proposed by the Mayor.  In addition, the Committee-of-the-Whole meets with the Mayor, and/or the Mayor's representative, prior to the Mayor's preparation of the annual City budget, to review and make recommendations about the priority of programs within City government, and the ranking and implementation of policy priorities in the budget process.

  • Renée Grout, Chair

Finance and Government Operations

The Finance and Government Operations Committee has the charge of and jurisdiction over all ordinances, resolutions, and other matters relating to finances, taxation and the indebtedness of the City, and the appropriation of City funds; the lease, purchase and sale or real estate, and all other financial business of the City government including other business that may be referred to it by the Council. The Finance and Government Operations Committee meets on a regular basis on the second Monday of each month, and on the fourth Monday of each month if needed. The Committee meetings are usually held in the Council Committee Room on the 9th floor of City Hall.

  • Dan Champine, Chair
  • Joaquín Baca
  • Dan Lewis
  • Klarissa J. Peña
  • Louie Sanchez

Land Use, Planning & Zoning Committee

The Land Use Planning, and Zoning Committee (LUPZ) reviews all ordinances, resolutions, or other matters pertaining to the Zoning Code, land use appeals, historical designation process, annexations, sector development plans, and general land use, planning and redevelopment policies. The LUPZ Committee meets on a regular basis on the second Wednesday following the first Monday of each month, and the fourth Wednesday if needed. The Committee meetings are usually held in the Council Committee Room on the 9th floor of City Hall.

  • Tammy Fiebelkorn, Chair
  • Brook Bassan
  • Dan Champine
  • Renée Grout
  • Nichole Rogers

Governing Bodies with Council Participation

Local Government Coordinating Commission (LGCC)

The City of Albuquerque participates in the Local Government Coordinating Commission, a joint City, County Commission, and Albuquerque Public Schools commission made up of elected officials for the purpose of discussing topics of common interest, long-range goals, community needs and other items as requested by the respective bodies. The LGCC makes recommendations to those bodies. The Council President appoints the 4 Council members, subject to approval of the Council; the Mayor also sits on this committee. The Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners appoints the 4 County Commission members. The President of the APS Board of Education appoints the 2 Board members. The Chair of the LGCC alternates each year beginning in January, between the City, County, and APS District. The LGCC meets on a regular basis.

  • Dan Champine
  • Tammy Fiebelkorn
  • Renée Grout
  • Nichole Rogers

Albuquerque-Bernalillo Water Utility Authority

The Water Utility Authority oversees all issues relating to the provision of water and sewer services in Bernalillo County, including setting rates for those Services. The Authority, which was created by the State Legislature in 2003, is composed of 7 voting members, 4 of whom are City members (3 City Councilors and the Mayor or his designee) and 3 of whom are members of the Board of County Commissioners. A Trustee from the Village of Los Ranchos de Albuquerque sits on the Authority as a non-voting member. The Authority meets in the Vincent E. Griego Chambers on a regular basis.

  • Dan Lewis
  • Klarissa J. Peña
  • Louie Sanchez

Mid-Region Council of Governments

The Mid-Region Council of Governments (MRCOG) is the Regional and Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for central New Mexico. Twenty-one local governments are members of MRCOG and the City of Albuquerque has 6 seats on the governing board. One of those seats is filled by the Mayor and the remaining five seats are filled by City Councilors. Those Councilors who are appointed to the Board of Directors also serve on the Urban Transportation Planning Policy Board (UTPPB). In addition, there are three subcommittees: the Transportation Coordinating Committee, the Pubic Involvement Committee, and the Aviation Advisory Committee. Appointments to the subcommittees are made on a voluntary basis and vary depending on regional representational needs. The Council President appoints the 5 members from the Council, subject to approval of the Council. MRCOG's Board of Directors and other boards and subcommittees meet on a regular basis, and most meetings are held at MRCOG's office located at 809 Copper NE (8th street and Copper) in downtown Albuquerque.

  • Joaquín Baca
  • Dan Champine
  • Tammy Fiebelkorn
  • Dan Lewis
  • Klarissa Peña (Executive Board)
  • Louie Sanchez

Metropolitan Transportation Board

The Metropolitan Transportation Board (MTB) sets policy for transportation issues in the urban area. Elected officials from the different jurisdictions sit together on the MTB. The Board coordinates local government transportation planning and project development, identifies federal funding for transportation projects, including roadway widenings and extensions, sets policy for roadway access, identifies corridors and alignments for new roadways, identifies bicycle facilities and federal funding for them, and makes decisions about long-range transportation issues.

  • Joaquín Baca
  • Dan Champine
  • Tammy Fiebelkorn
  • Dan Lewis
  • Klarissa Peña (Executive Board)
  • Louie Sanchez

Regional Transit District

The Mid-Region Transit District (MRTD) Board of Directors is responsible for carrying out the functions conferred by the provisions of the state's Regional Transit District Act. These functions include the establishment of a regional transit system that is compatible with state and local transportation plans, the development of policies and procedures to support the establishment of this system, and the development of a sound financial plan that provides for the capital, operating and maintenance requirements of the regional transit system. Ten local governments participate in the MRTD. The City of Albuquerque has five seats on the Board, four of which are filled by City Councilors and one filled by the Mayor. The MRTD meets on a regular basis.

  • Joaquín Baca
  • Dan Champine
  • Tammy Fiebelkorn
  • Dan Lewis
  • Louie Sanchez

Committees on which Councilors and the Administration Serve to Govern the City

Accountability in Government Oversight Committee

This Committee is responsible for providing general guidance to the Office of Internal Audit (OIA) and Office of the Inspector General (OIG), priorities and potential areas for audit and investigation, and advice regarding technical issues. It also coordinates the work of the Department with the needs of the Mayor, the CAO and the City Council. This committee is comprised of 5 members from the community at large with public auditing, law enforcement or professional management expertise. The Mayor and one City Councilor (appointed annually by the Council President) are non-voting ex-officio members of this Committee. Chapter 2, Article 10 of the City Code contains more detailed information on this committee.

  • Brook Bassan
  • Dan Champine (Alternate)

Alvarado Transportation Center Project Task Force

In April 1999, Enactment No. 47-1999 created an Alvarado Transportation Center Project Task Force that was charged with reviewing all aspects of this project. The Task Force consists of one or two City Councilors, the Chief Administrative Officer, the Director of Council Services and the Chair of the Albuquerque Development Commission. This Task Force is charged with making recommendations to the City Council on the Alvarado Transportation Center Projects.

  • Joaquín Baca

Committee on Guidelines for Negotiations

This Committee was created to facilitate communication and coordination between the Mayor and the City Council about the collective bargaining strategy. See Section 3-2-17 ROA 1994. The Committee which is made up of 3 Councilors appointed by the Council President, the CAO and 2 other members of the Mayor's staff, only meets at the time negotiations with the labor organizations are opened or upon the Mayor's request when a strike has occurred.

  • Brook Bassan
  • Dan Champine
  • Nichole Rogers

Intergovernmental Legislative Relations

The main duties of this committee are to promote cooperation and encourage coordination between the City and other governmental entities and to prepare and review legislative priorities and programs prior to each session of the State Legislature and prior to each session of the US Congress. Other specific duties and details for this committee are enumerated in Chapter 2, Article 2 of the City Code. This committee is composed of 6 voting members, 3 of whom are appointed from the City Council by the Council President, and 3 of whom are designated by the Mayor.  The Chief Administrative Officer and the Director of Council Services provide staff support to the committee.

  • Tammy Fiebelkorn
  • Renée Grout
  • Klarissa J. Peña

Economic Development Action Account

The EDAct Council reviews and recommends to the Economic Development Department the use and disbursement of funds appropriated to the EDAct Account. This Council consists of the Mayor or designee; two City Councilors chosen by the President of the Albuquerque City Council; and two members of the public, appointed by the Mayor, who have expertise in economic development programs. A representative from the City's Economic Development Department shall serve as a non-voting technical advisor to the EDAct Council.

  • Dan Lewis
  • Nichole Rogers

Committees for Internal Council Matters

Internal Operations Committee

This Committee works with the Director of Council Services on matters related to the Council staff, facilities and operating budget. The Council President chairs the committee and all nine Council members serve on the Committee.

Non-City Committees that Include Council Participation

Visit Albuquerque

This Visit Albuquerque Board consists of not less than 30 directors (one appointed by the Mayor) and has the power to manage the business of the Bureau, to control and direct its affairs, to determine its policies, to actively pursue its objectives, and to direct and control the disbursement of its funds. The Council President appoints 3 members of the Council, 1 member of the 3 as an alternate, subject to approval of the Council.

  • Joaquín Baca
  • Dan Champine (Alternate)
  • Renée Grout, (Executive Committee)

ABC Community School Partnership

The Albuquerque Bernalillo County Community Schools Partnership is a joint powers agreement between Albuquerque Public Schools, Bernalillo County, and the City of Albuquerque. This cross sector partnership also includes, the Hispano Chamber of Commerce, University of New Mexico, United Way of North Central NM, NM Workforce Solutions, and the Albuquerque Teachers Federation. ABC envisions neighborhoods with community schools at the center which ensure that the systems that support students, families, and communities are integrating their policies, programs, and practices to be (1) equitable, (2) aligned, and (3) driven by a community-determined vision for holistic success.

  • Brook Bassan
  • Nichole Rogers


The Explora Board is governed pursuant to the laws of New Mexico applicable to non-profit corporations. Therefore, Explora is under the control of a Board of Directors, which is the policymaking body for the organization. This includes hiring the Executive Director who is responsible for daily operation of the Center, as well as, hiring and direction of all staff, development of educational programs and exhibits of the Center, and direction of all fund-raising and promotional activities. In addition, the Board has broad responsibilities to set Explora’s basic policies, including its annual budget, and to monitor how Explora is meeting its goals. The Council President appoints 2 members of the Council, subject to approval of the Council.

  • Renée Grout
  • Louie Sanchez

Hispano Chamber of Commerce

The Board of Directors of the Hispano Chamber of Commerce (HCC) is composed of 19 elected members and 5 appointed members.  A majority of the Directors must be Hispanic business owners or corporate executives of a business owned by a Hispanic.  The property, affairs and business of the Chamber are managed by the Board of Directors, including the adoption of the budget. The Council President appoints 2 members, subject to approval of the Council.

  • Klarissa J. Peña
  • Louie Sanchez

New Mexico Municipal League Representative

The City of Albuquerque is a member of the state Municipal League (NMML) which serves and provides resources to municipalities throughout New Mexico. The Board of Directors is responsible for general supervision of the affairs of the NMML, including the establishment of standing committees, the approval of the League’s annual budget, and the purchase, sale and mortgaging of the League property.  The Director selected by the City of Albuquerque holds office at the will of the Council, although other Directors generally are elected for two-year terms. One member of the Council is appointed to sit on the NMML Board by Council President.

  • Klarissa J. Peña
  • Dan Champine (Alternate)