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SW CPC agenda 9-2-2020

southwest community policing council agenda for the september 9, 2020 meeting move to the archive section

SW CPC agenda 10-7-2020

southwest community policing council agenda for the october 7, 2020 meeting move to the archive section

VA CPC agenda 1-23-2020

valley community policing council agenda for the january 23, 2020 meeting move to the archive section

VA CPC agenda 7-23-2020

valley community policing council agenda for the july 23, 2020 meeting move to the archive section

VA CPC agenda 8-27-2020

valley community policing council agenda for the august 27, 2020 meeting move to the archive section

VA CPC agenda 9-24-2020

valley community policing council agenda for the september 24, 2020 meeting move to the archive section

VA CPC agenda 10-22-2020

valley community policing council agenda for the october 22, 2020 meeting move to the archive section

FH CPC minutes 1-13-2020

foothills community policing council minutes for the january 13, 2020 meeting move to archive section

FH CPC minutes 2-10-2020

foothills community policing council minutes for the February 10, 2020 meeting move to archive section

FH CPC minutes 3-9-2020

foothills community policing council minutes for the march 9, 2020 meeting move to archive section

FH CPC minutes 7-13-2020

foothills community policing council minutes for the July 13, 2020 meeting move to archive section

FH CPC minutes 8-10-2020

foothills community policing council minutes for the August 10, 2020 meeting move to archive section

FH CPC minutes 9-14-2020

foothills community policing council minutes for the september 14, 2020 meeting move to archive section

FH CPC minutes 11-9-2020

foothills community policing council minutes for the November 9, 2020 meeting move to archive section

NE CPC minutes 1-14-2020

northeast community policing council minutes for the january 14, 2020 meeting move to the archive section

NE CPC minutes 2-11-2020

northeast community policing council minutes for the february 11, 2020 meeting move to the archive section

NE CPC minutes 3-10-2020

northeast community policing council minutes for the march 10, 2020 meeting move to the archive section

NE CPC minutes 7-14-2020

northeast community policing council minutes for the july 14, 2020 meeting move to the archive section

NE CPC minutes 8-18-2020

northeast community policing council minutes for the august 18, 2020 meeting move to the archive section