Notice of Proposed Rulemaking - Election Code and the Open and Ethical Election Code
***In light of the public health emergency, the proposed rulemaking will be held via Zoom. Participants will be given options to join remotely from a computer or phone.***
The Office of the City Clerk ("Office") hereby gives notice that the Office will conduct a public hearing on the described rules below.
Proposed Rule: 2021 Regulations of the Albuquerque City Clerk for the Open and Ethical Elections Code
2021 Regulations of the Albuquerque City Clerk for the Open and Ethical Elections Code - Redline
Proposed Rule: 2021 Regulations of the Albuquerque City Clerk for the Election Code
2021 Regulations of the Albuquerque City Clerk for the Election Code - Redline
A Public Hearing will be held via Zoom on Friday, September 18, 2020 from 1:00pm - 3:00pm.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 997 7463 8066
Passcode: 075130
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Meeting ID: 997 7463 8066
The purpose of this meeting is to obtain public input on the proposed updates to the City Clerk's rules to the Open and Ethical Election Code and the Election Code. The public hearing allows members of the public an opportunity to submit testimony and arguments in person on the proposed rule changes posted above.
Authority: Article XIII, Section 10 and Article XVI Section 18 authorizes the Office to adopt rules and regulations necessary to insure effective administration of the Election Code and the Open and Ethical Election Code.
To submit written public comment on either of the proposed rules, please email
Any person with a disability who is in need of assistance to attend or participate in the hearing should contact the City Clerk's office at (505) 924-3650 or email (5) business days prior to the hearing.