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Labor-Management Relations Board

Information about the Labor-Management Relations Board


Domonique Limon
Office of Administrative Hearings
[email protected]


View membership on this board.

Apply to Serve

The City Of Albuquerque Labor-Management Relations Board is to establish fair and expeditious procedures that further the purposes of the City of Albuquerque Labor-Management Relations Ordinance (Section 3-2-1 et seq., ROA 1994) which are:

  1. Guarantee public employees the right to organize and bargain collectively with the employers;
  2. Promote harmonious and cooperative relationships between public employers and public employees; and
  3. Protect the public interest by assuring, at all times, the orderly and uninterrupted operation and functions of the City government.

Labor Management Relations Board Rules and Regulations

2024 Open Meetings Act Resolution

Request for Hearing

Any City of Albuquerque employee organization may file a written request for hearing with the City Of Albuquerque Labor-Management Relations Board. After a complaint is filed, it will be assigned a case number and will be forwarded to the Labor Relations Board for review and scheduling of hearing.

Meeting Information

The City of Albuquerque Labor-Management Relations Board conducts monthly public meetings. The Board may close a meeting to the public only if the subject matter of such discussion or action is exempt from the open meeting requirement under Section 10-15-1 (H) of the State of New Mexico Open Meetings Act. Except for any portion of the meeting that may be closed by the City Labor-Management Relations Board pursuant to the provision of the New Mexico Open Meetings Act, the meeting will be open to the public.

Dates & Times: Notice is hereby given that the City Labor-Management Relations Board hybrid meeting scheduled for Monday, April 7, 2025, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Location: Plaza del Sol Building, 600 2nd St NW, Basement Hearing Room, 87102 and via Zoom

The next Labor-Management Relations Board hybrid meeting will be held on Monday, April 21, 2025, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Location: Plaza del Sol Building, 600 2nd St NW, Basement Hearing Room, 87102 and via Zoom. 

Notice of Petition for Representation 

Notice: Petition for Decertification

LB 23-24 APOA Petition for Decertification











