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Office of Administrative Hearings

Information about the Office of Administrative Hearings.

The Office of Administrative Hearings is responsible for conducting all hearings specifically assigned to it by a City of Albuquerque ordinance or where an ordinance provides that a hearing is to be conducted by a "Hearing Officer."

Most hearings are held either telegraphically or by Zoom. In-Person hearings are held at the Office of Administrative Hearings, which is located in the Office of the City Clerk at 600 2nd Street NW, Suite 720, Albuquerque, NM 87102.

For more information, you may also contact the Office of Administrative Hearings at 505-924-3650.

Download the Notice of Appeal and Request for Hearings

To file an appeal, please complete the electronic Notice of Appeal and Request for Hearing form and return it and a copy of your citation to: [email protected].

Chief Hearing Officer

Download the City of Albuquerque Hearing Officer Code of Conduct


Hearings Conducted by the Office of Administrative Hearings Ordinance Code
Abandoned Inoperable Vehicle Appeal §8-5-2-3
Alarm Permit Suspensions Appeal §9-3-14
Animal Breeder Permit Appeal §9-2-7-1
Body Art Permit Appeal §11-5-16
Food/Vending Permit Suspension/Revocation Appeal §9-6-1-14
Fund Raiser License Appeal §13-10-9
Humane and Ethical Animal Rules & Treatment Inspections & Hearings §9-2-7-1
Labor Board Hearings §3-2-10
Lobbyist Registration Hearings §2-3-7
Lodger's Tax Exemption & Assessment Appeal §4-4-8
News Rack Appeal §6-7-8
Old Town Portal Market Permit Appeal §13-3-2-98
Personnel Board Hearings §3-1-4
Public Housing/Section 8 Housing Appeal 24 CFR §982.554
Restaurant License Revocation §13-3-1-98
Syringe Exchange Facility Permit Appeal §9-15-9
Towed Vehicle Appeal §8-5-2-10
Swimming Pool Permit Suspensions/Revocation Hearings §10-3-5-5
Uniform Housing Code Appela §14-3-5-4
Vehicle Pollution Management Revocation §7-12-5
Waste Water Discharge Permit Appeal §6-5-2-29
Water Service Termination/Failure to Pay Solid Waste Fee Appeal §6-2-10
Weeds, Litter, Snow Appeal §9-8-28
Wrecker Rotation Appeal §7-7-16

Administrative Hearings Announcements


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