FY15 Annual Audit Plan
The Annual Audit Plan for the Office of Internal Audit was passed and adopted by City Council on May 19, 2014 and approved on June 13, 2014.
Citizens' Independent Salary Commission Agenda - 12/1/2014
The agenda for the December 1, 2014 meeting of the City of Albuquerque Citizens' Independent Salary Commission.
CISC minutes from October 23, 2014
Signed minutes from the October 23, 2014 meeting of the Citizens' Independent Salary Commission
08-27-2014 - 14-12-104F - Follow-up - Officer Retention Plan - Albuquerque Police Department
The Office of Internal Audit (OIA) performed a follow-up of Audit No. 12-104, Albuquerque Police Department (APD), Officer Retention Plan (Retention Plan) during fiscal year (FY) 2014.
FY2014 OIA Annual Report
The City of Albuquerque Office of Internal Audit (OIA) operates under the authority of the Accountability in Government Ordinance. City ordinance requires the OIA Director to report annually to the City Council and the Mayor regarding the activities of the department. This annual report covers the fiscal year ended June 30, 2014 (FY2014). The report was approved by the City Council at its November 3, 2014 meeting.
10-29-2014 - 14-101 - Performance Audit - Inspection of Public Records Act - Citywide
The Office of Internal Audit (OIA) conducted a performance audit of citywide processes and the resource impact for the completion of Inspection of Public Records Act (IPRA) requests. The audit was requested by the Administration and included in the approved fiscal year (FY) 2014 audit plan.
10-29-2014 - 15-12-106F - Follow-up - Albuquerque Convention & Visitor’s Bureau Audit - Economic Development Department
The Office of Internal Audit (OIA) performed a follow-up of Audit No. 12-106, Economic Development Department – Albuquerque Convention & Visitor’s Bureau (ACVB) during fiscal year (FY) 2015.
10-29-2014 - 14-106 - Performance Audit - Purchasing Card Use and Oversight
The Office of Internal Audit (OIA) conducted a Citywide performance audit of P-Card use and oversight. The audit was included in OIA’s fiscal year (FY) 2014 audit plan.
CISC minutes from January 13, 2015
Signed minutes from the January 13, 2015 meeting of the Citizens' Independent Salary Commission
01-28-2015 - 15-11-104F - Follow-up - On-Call Contractors - Department of Municipal Development
The Office of Internal Audit (OIA) performed a follow-up during fiscal year (FY) 2015 of Audit No. 11-104, On-Call Contractors, Department of Municipal Development (DMD).
CISC minutes from December 1, 2014
Signed minutes from the December 1, 2014 meeting of the Citizens' Independent Salary Commission
Citizens' Independent Salary Commission Agenda - 1/21/2015
The agenda for the January 21, 2015 meeting of the City of Albuquerque Citizens' Independent Salary Commission.
01-28-2015 - 15-103 - Performance Audit - Traffic Engineering Division Capital Implementation Program Payroll and Staffing - Department of Municipal Development
The Office of Internal Audit (OIA) conducted a performance audit of the Traffic Engineering Division Capital Implementation Program (CIP) payroll and staffing. The audit was included as part of OIA’s FY 2015 audit plan.
Citizens' Independent Salary Commission Agenda - 2/10/2015
The agenda for the February 10, 2015 meeting of the City of Albuquerque Citizens' Independent Salary Commission.
CISC minutes from January 21, 2015
Signed minutes from the January 21, 2015 meeting of the Citizens' Independent Salary Commission
CISC Final Report Issued February 10, 2015
Final 2015 Report from the Citizens' Independent Salary Commission Recommending Salary Increases for the Mayor and Councilors
01-28-2015 - 15-12-107F - Follow-up - Health and Social Service Centers - Department of Family and Community Services
The Office of Internal Audit (OIA) performed a follow-up during fiscal year (FY) 2015 of Audit No. 12-107, Health and Social Service Centers, Department of Family and Community Services (DFCS).
02-25-15 - 15-102 - Performance Audit - Albuquerque Convention Center Renovation – Phase II Change Orders
The Office of Internal Audit (OIA) conducted a performance audit of the renovation of the City of Albuquerque’s Convention Center – Phase II Change Orders. The audit was included in OIA’s fiscal year (FY) 2015 audit plan.
04-29-2015 - 15-12-105F - Follow-up - Real Property Division - Department of Finance and Administrative Services
The Office of Internal Audit (OIA) performed a follow-up during fiscal year (FY) 2015 of Audit No. 12-105, Department of Finance and Administrative Services (DFAS), Real Property Division.
04-29-2015 - 15-13-103F - Follow-up - Personnel Services - Human Resources Department
The Office of Internal Audit (OIA) performed a follow-up during fiscal year (FY) 2015 of Audit No. 13-103, Personnel Services, Human Resources Department (HRD).
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