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12-11-13 - 13-108 - Performance Audit - Professional/Technical Contract Development & Approval Process

The Department of Finance and Administrative Services' Purchasing Division can improve upon the valuable services it provides to the City and contractors by acceptance and implementation of the following recommendations: (a) The Purchasing Division should require that City Departments attend contract training more frequently; (b) The Purchasing Division should review its internal control processes and ensure that all staff have a clear understanding; and (c) Employee access to CTS should be revoked following the employee’s change of employment.

Fiscal Year 2013 OIA Annual Report

At its August 28, 2013 meeting, the Accountability in Government Oversight (AGO) Committee approved the Annual Report of the Office of Internal Audit. The report is for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013.

Follow-up - DFAS/ITSD - Disaster Recovery Plan

The Office of Internal Audit (OIA) performed a follow-up of Audit No. 13-101, Disaster Recovery Plan – Department of Finance and Administrative Services (DFAS). This follow-up is to report on the progress made by DFAS in addressing our findings and recommendations.

Follow-up - DFAS Fleet Management Division - Fuel Usage and Security

The Office of Internal Audit performed a follow-up of Audit No. 12-101, Department of Finance and Administrative Services Fleet Management Division (DFAS-FMD) – Fuel Usage and Security. The audit included recommendations to DFAS-FMD, the Solid Waste Management Department (SWMD), the Parks and Recreation Department (PRD) Golf Management Division (PRD-GMD), and the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO).

08-27-14 - 14-102 - Audit - Operating Grants Fund Balance

The Office of Internal Audit (OIA) conducted a performance audit of the City of Albuquerque’s (City) processes to resolve past, and prevent future, unidentified amounts in the operating grants fund balance. The audit was included in OIA’s fiscal year (FY) 2014 audit plan.